Comodo 5.X Defense+ : 2 helper applications (events & Def+ rules viewers)

2 helper applications for Comodo 5.X Defense+ module (Defense+ module only, not the firewall or anti-virus)

If anyone is still using Comodo CIS 5 for some reason…

These programs only read CIS datas and do not write anything in the registry or file system.
So they won’t change anything in your CIS configuration.

If you use these programs with Comodo CIS 6/7 the result is unknown to me,
but not accident should occur since these programs do not write anything to the registry or file system
(except the INI file of CIS5Def+EventsViewer in its own folder).

CIS5Def+EventsViewer :

view last N Defense+ events, N is configurable
sort, filter, export to clipboard these events

CIS5Def+PolReader : (already posted on this forum and updated since then)

view all Defense+ policies, the active policy and the inactive ones
search, export to clipboard these policies (as text)

the program does NOT read the following informations :

  • content of the following lists : Trusted Software Vendors, Trusted Files, Submitted Files, Unrecognized Files
    (only the item count of these lists is displayed, since these lists can get very large and are easy to access through the Comodo UI)
  • Sandbox settings & Always Sandbox file list and parameters
  • Firewall and Anti-virus settings

personal remark : Comodo CIS could have a built-in feature to export ALL or PART of the active policy AS TEXT,
so that it can be easilly inserted in a post on the forum
(in order to help users who have some configuration problems, or to share configuration between users),
but maybe this has already been done in CIS 6 or 7.

How were these programs written

With AutoIt Script v3.3.0.0 (you can visit AutoIt Scripting Language - AutoIt to learn more)
Both executables (32 bits applications) are compiled from their script through Aut2exe.exe v3.3.0.0

These programs are given in the script form as well as the compiled form in the zip file
The code can be improved/reused by someone willing to change it as long as it remains free checksums

MD5 :1B21CAB200A9F3E7F541FCCF12281553
SHA-1 :26BB9142427B85FC78732DFDD4593A2958E3E4B3
SHA-256 :18CF8A914C3DB320831C03C6D4F6C01674DE7490524BAC141C345FA25E8B68E8

How to install

  • UnZip ‘’ directly in your ‘program files’ folder
    (the ‘program files’ folder can have a different name on different Windows version like ‘program files (x86)’)
    a ‘CIS5Def+HelperApps’ will be automatically created in your ‘program files’ folder
  • If needed, read the ‘How to Install-Run-Uninstall.ReadMe’ unzipped file

Bug reports, ask for a new upload to a server if the attachment links do not work any more

  • post a message in this thread
  • if the thread gets locked (because the moderators prefer not to have an old thread being revived)
    try to send me a personal message

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