If I start a full scan or let the scan go overnight. I always find my machine hung, non-responsive to anything new except mouse movements. Can not start new programs cant even start task manager.
I saw a forum post that suggested deleting the GIMP entry so comodo can redetect it but I have no entry for the gimp to delete.
This is really frustrating … only option I have is to disable defence+.
Hope someone has some ideas. Laptop is a WinXP SP3, GIMP 2.6.8 and Comodo 4.1
Everything else works fine.
Is there a way to reset all the Defence+ information? Wonder if the upgrade to 4.1 may have issues with older installs.
yeah, it always seems to stop after the comodo dialog box displays bzip2.exe
I have even tried freshly installing GIMP and the computer hangs after the installer tries shows that its copying freetype2.(dll or exe) cant remember or take a screenshot sorry.