Comodo 3.0 install failed and can not uninstall properly in XP SP3

Attempted to install Comodo 3.0 on a WinXP SP3 machine and the installation failed as well as the uninstall. Even tried the script here The machine can ping the router however it can not get past the router. It is dead in the water with respect to Internet access. Other machines that do not have Comodo installed have no problem.


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Have you tried system restore? Or have a back up?

I have just now been able to get the system back up and working properly. Had a registry backup that I was able to use to get the Internet access functioning. Why doesn’t Comodo firewall have a removal application to help remove this type of failed install/uninstall attempts?

Surely others have been in the same boat as I was.

(R) Hello all. (:WAV) I think the following fix will help those having problems instaling or removing any COMODO product. (:NRD) First of all I had the same problem and many Many MANY more (:SAD) all directly related to Windows XP SP3. And…just like VISTA, XP SP3 is filled with a lot of bugs :o that affect some PC’s while others are not affected. 88) Just do a Google Search for an almost endless list of XP SP3 problems. Hear is a Direct Link to a Microsoft Site where you can download a patch to prevent Windows from downloading and installing XP SP3 through Automatic Updates or by Manual Updates. Make sure before you run the patch you read the entire artical. Also if you already have XP SP3 installed you need to uninstall XP SP3 before running the patch.


I hope this helps you out as it did me. And remember (R) :■■■■

Appreciate the post but I will not be uninstalling XP SP3. Comodo was installed with SP3 on the computer and Comodo should be able to removed properly either via the normal Uninstall in Control panel or via a utility provided by Comodo.

P.S. Vista only has SP1 there is no SP3 for Vista.

FYI i’ve corrected my previous post to avoid further confusion. Please reread. (:NRD)

I’m just saying that your problem (and others that may pop up in the future) may be caused by XP SP3.

Well I have other XP SP3 machines with other software firewalls and they work fine.

In the past I have recommended Comodo to friends however my experience lately is made me hesitant in recommending the product. Especially the procedure one has to go through when a install or uninstall fails which seems to occurring at an increase rate.

Try uninstalling in Safe Mode guys.


In my case the software would crash on the install and on the uninstall in regular mode. I may have tried safe mode but I am not sure.

Thankfully I had another computer to get on the Internet and do research. I tried the pre-made batch file found elsewhere in the forums but that did not help and I still do not know if all of Comodo files were removed. Reinstalling Comodo simply resulted in another failed install. Luckily I had a backup of the registry that I was able to restore to get connectivity to that computer.

It seems that a Comodo supported uninstaller application for the application is not a priority for this product.

(R) hmmm :THNK as NOT EVERYONE has a problem with uninstalling COMODO i suggest it’s a problem with the PC it’s self(or from some resident programs running in the background). For example in order for ME to install the software for my printer(because my antivorus program can’t be shut down ANY other way and interfears with some instalations) i need to go into----safe mode----then log into the Admin account----then start menu----then Run----then type “msconfig”. While in “msconfig” select “Selective Startup” and uncheck “Load Startup Items”----then select the “Services” tab and check the “Hide All Microsoft Services”----then manualy uncheck ALL the services that remain.----now reboot the computer and log into your normal account and do a “Cleanup” using “Disk cleanup” or “CCleaner” to remove all temp files and then reboot again. Now do any “install” or “uninstall” that is giving problems. Make sure this is all done with your PC disconected from the Internet After compleating the install or uninstall go back into “msconfig” and change EVERYTHING back the way it was and reboot PC.

I hope this works for you as well as it works for me when I have problems installing or uninstalling programs that are giveing me problems. :■■■■

Well that did nothing to solve my failed installation problem with Comodo nor did it help with uninstalling the failed installation.

(R) well i tryed

Short of formatting C: and reininstalling Windows is there no other method other than in the first post of this thread

where it mentions a that is to get rid of every last trace of Comodo off a XP SP3 computer?

I thought I had removed all the traces of Comodo from my computer by running that script as well as going through the registry manually, but I am still being told that Comodo is still installed when I attempt to install another software firewall!

(R) First do a search of your PC using----“Start Menu”----“Search”----select “All files and folders”----under “More advanced options” select the first 3 options(Search sys, Search hidden and Search sub) for ANY traces of COMODO.

(:NRD) Have you tryed “msconfig” and checking in the “Services” tab and the “Startup” tab for ANY traces of COMODO Firewall? If it’s there uncheck it.

(:NRD) And as a last but drastic option----Uninstall SP3 then try and uninstall or reinstall COMODO. You can always reinstall SP3. Remember SP3 has bugs and flaws STILL NOT CORRECTED by MICROSOFT that can, in some cases, affect the installing or uninstalling of SOME programs.

What do I search for? “Comodo”, “Inspect”?

(:NRD) Have you tryed "msconfig" and checking in the "Services" tab and the "Startup" tab for [b]ANY[/b] traces of COMODO Firewall? If it's there uncheck it.

Yes nothing was in there.

(:NRD) And as a last but drastic option----Uninstall [b]SP3[/b] then try and uninstall or reinstall COMODO. You can always reinstall SP3. Remember SP3 has bugs and flaws [b]STILL NOT CORRECTED by MICROSOFT[/b] that can, in some cases, affect the installing or uninstalling of SOME programs.

I have tried about 10 times to reinstall Comodo and each and every time is the same. I wind up getting the same error about memory could not be read (see my first post in this thread).

Well I have been running SP3 on 4 machines here for 3 months and Comodo is the only application that I have had problems removing. Even if I uninstall SP3 what about all of the updates that have been applied since SP3 was installed? Do those have to be uninstalled as well?

Did you install SP3 and then down the road uninstall it to fix problems with Comodo?

(R) First of all search for any thing related to COMODO (when search finds the item check the “Properties” to make sure it’s a COMODO file before you delete it) I’m including a bunch of screen shots listing everything related to COMODO including the registry thats on my PC.

No just uninstalling SP3 itself should work.

Yes i had to uninstall SP3 inorder to reinstall COMODO after my PC was infected with a virus ( lol i have a better antivirus program now). Then after doing some reserch on SP3 i found out that it has bugs and flaws that don’t affect all PC’s. It’s kind of a hit n miss thing with SP3.

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Well thanks for the suggestions. Have decided to cut my losses and format C: and reinstall Windows from scratch. Uninstalling SP3 did not help. Comodo installer refused to install since it found remains of the prior install somewhere.

I again reiterate that developers of Comodo need to develop a standalone removal tool so that people having problems uninstalling the software do not have to jump through hoops to rectify the problem. Since the software does not permit reinstalling on top of what it believes is a complete installation removal is only way to ensure all of the traces of Comodo are gone.

You said----I have tried about 10 times to reinstall Comodo and each and every time is the same. I wind up getting the same error about memory could not be read (see my first post in this thread).----this means that something is takeing up a memory location needed by COMODO to install properly. Could by a virus or your installer packet in windows is corupt.

I’m sorry that i couldn’t help you out more. Good luck with the OS reinstall.

Before you instal SP3----do a “Google” search on “XP SP3 errors bugs problems” a do some reading. You’ll be suprised at what you find.