COMODO 10 year annivesary !!!

My 100 post is dedicated to Comodo. (:LOV) This year we gonna celebrate 10 th year anniversary of Comodo ! :■■■■ So put your early greetings here (:AGL)


Comodo will have lots of special things for us I hope. :SMLR

Good luck Comodo team (:WIN) You’re the best !!! :-TU

(B) (L) (V) (R)

And now Comodo loves me ! ;D

Early congrats! (R)

By the way that’s Joachim Phoenix, emperor Commodus is this guy: - contact with domain owner | ;D

Happy decennial anniversary Comodo! (V)

Early Congrats and Good Luck for the future. (:HUG)

Thank you all :slight_smile:


Happy Anniversary :slight_smile:

What will be the exact date ??? And what will be Comodo’s Anniversary present to us 88) ( Except a Comodo Licenced Voodoo Doll for Ganda ofcource ;D )

Greetz, Red.

So when we are going to celebrate ? ;D Or are we going to celebrate at all ? ??? 88)

(B) (R) (V)

In 8 months you multiplied your post quantity by more than ten times.

How does that related to COMODO’S anniversary ? ??? 88) I’ll try to post less off-topic nonsense posts :a0

(Soya’s answer here : No you wouldn’t you little bastard ;D)

Anyway, Mr.Melih, champagne someday ? 88)

“bastard” refers to a male. Of course I won’t use that word on you :wink:

Soya, you are mistaking me with Ganda >:(

Come on Soya, instead of picking on me, PM Melih about it ! >:( ;D

About what?

About the celebration ! Or did I missed the party ??? :cry:

You mean you haven’t received the invit to our moderator boat ???

NO ! >:( Man that golf boat looks like a dream :slight_smile:

Now really, doesn’t COMODO cares about it’s history ??? (J)

Hi Melih, 10 yrs of true consecrated effort in saving our little butts I have only the greatest respect and admiration for your current and future achievements, just remember all of us as we we’ll remember you & Comodo 4ever…

True to form
■■■■■ it open now you guys deserve it

Xman :-TU (B)

I wonder who’ll get the ball if it falls in the water… :smiley:

Who else? Of course the nooB. He’s the caddy.