Comment on v3

I spent a large part of today installing in advanced mode… trying to get v3 to allow email from my POP3 accounts (using port 110)… uninstalling… reinstalling in total dummy mode… etc, etc., each time cleaning the system (including the registry) of all traces of Comodo. I never did get it to allow incoming email using Mailwasher Pro or MS Outlook. I didn’t get as far as trying outgoing email, but I assume that it too would have been blocked. Looking at the filters, it was set up to allow both incoming and outgoing through port 110, so the problem must have been elsewhere. I only know that each time I uninstalled v3, my email worked perfectly.

The day was an exercise in frustration. I’m not a newbie by any stretch of the imagination, so this isn’t a case of someone seeing a shiny new toy and deciding to install it hoping that all will be hunky dory, but I strongly believe that v3 is not yet ready for prime time. At this point, I honestly think that the program is an advanced beta, suited best to tweak geeks who live locked up in rooms with their computer systems, and are on a first name basis with the Domino’s Pizza delivery guys.

By the way, I reinstalled v2.4 and everything is once more working great.

I also had issues with CFP 3 and bugs… i’m not bad mouthing Comodo in any way but… I do believe CFP 3 was a premature release.

Jeff, From Pizza Hut ;D

You didn’t say whether you could connect to the internet or not in the first place. I will assume that you had internet connectivity and the Trusted Zones were set up correctly.

What I do first after the install is completed is to put a rule in the Global rules list that allows all out TCP/UDP so that everything works without me having to do anything. This stops a lot of headaches right out of the box. You can then change it to block all out once you have your rules in place. I also go in and make sure all of the rules are set to log any events. I personally want to see everything that is going in and out.

One thing is where did you put your rules in the list? You have to make sure they are above the Block rules. One other thing is to check your log to see what is being blocked and write rules to allow the traffic accordingly. The log is what most people don’t use and I think it is the most important part of finding a problem that involves ports being blocked.

I use Outlook getting my mail from my ISP and Gmail on my WinXP laptop without any problems whatsoever so if you would like to try again I will help walk you thru getting it setup.

Us IT guys and those poor pizza guys catch all the heck now. ;D


Jasper… Thanks for the reply and offer of a walkthrough, but I think I’ll wait for the next major update. Everything seemed to work fine except my email. There were some other things I didn’t care for in v3 (no editable application list with each one’s access permissions, had a greater slowing effect on the system than v2.4, used a LOT more system resources, more than quadrupled in size from v2.4, etc). I also think that the program should be able to run the basics (Internet access, email, uploading and downloading) right out of the box without having to worry about creating rules. I still haven’t figured out why I had to create 3 different Network Zones during installation and setup on my desktop system. It isn’t on a network and doesn’t allow file or printer sharing. Seemed a little overly complicated for a firewall program.

For now, v2.4 works for me, so I’ll stick with it for a while longer. :slight_smile:

No problem. I understand. If you decide to try again just post and someone will try and get you up and running.

Have a good one
