
I have tried a search and only found the thread “cmdagent heavy CPU usage” This thread is no help because it’s 3 years old!

I have comodo antivirus defence+
Product Version 5.0.163652.1142

I cannot find firewall in the control console so i don’t think ■■■’s installed. But I have cmdagent that’s taking up 99% of cpu useage. How do i turn this off in my current version?


Hello Shourin,

Do you have any other Security Software Installed?


Hey and warm welcome to the forum!

I would recommend you to see if windows firewall is still on. Having two AV with realtime protection/scanner or two firewall on at the same time will cause unknow problems.

Merry Christmas!

Valentin N

I have …

Comodo anti virus - I see nothing about a firewall in the comodo settings windows.
Spybot S&D

Hello, thanks for taking time Shourin to provide this info to us; hopefully we’ll get this solved soon.

A quite of few issues are regarding cmdagent, mostly are solved by either a Reinstall using either of the following methods…


Another question i would have to ask, is during what time is the Cmdagent taking up CPU time?
Example; cmdagent is always high when running a scan with S&D, or cmdagent is always high during the first couple minutes during boot etc etc

Hope this helps; I’ll wait for more info :slight_smile:


after boot up and often when I’m trying to load internet browser. it’s even kicked in during gaming and the type of games i play i cannot have the lag.


Can someone pls tell me how to disable this i cannot do anything…

Please follow Jacob’s instructions if you disable cmdagent service you have no firewall.


Are you using Malwarebytes on demand or is it running in the background?

May be left overs of previously uninstalled security programs are acting up. Try using removal tools for those programs. Here is a list of removal tools for common av programs: .

Otherwise do a Google search with terms “removal tool” and * name of product or vendor*.

When the above does not help. Can you show a screenshot of the Defense + logs? They are under View Defense + Events.

I followed these and it’s still unstable.

And there is no leftover anything because this is afresh reformat new HDD


If EricJH Method Does Not Work; Also Try Chirons Method Before

Have you tried to do a System Restore?
Start > Programs > Acc > System Tools > System Restore > Choose a restore point to restore to (Typically Select for a day that you have installed CIS or a day before.)

Once the system restore is complete
See if CIS is stilled uninstalled and if not,
Run the this batch
If it is installed still run the uninstaller, then run the batch (Link is above this sentence)

Hope this helps


Can you try upgrading to CIS V5.3 by following the methods described in this topic? It’s worth a try.

This is the method I tried… it is also the method ppl keep giving me. please stop giving me the same flawed method.

I’ll have to try the restore thing yet.

I only mentioned it because V5.3 was only released 3 days ago.

Can you also please let us know of any programs that are currently running that could possibly be interfering (especially note any security programs)?


I had no restore points where comodo was not installed since it was installed apon new format. I completely removed using the uninstalled posted in this thread. I installed the new version and gave it a few days and bam 70% CPU useage and now something called CFP joined in on it at 50 % cpu useage.

May be left overs of previously uninstalled security programs are acting up. Try using removal tools for those programs. Here is a list of removal tools for common av programs: .

Otherwise do a Google search with terms “removal tool” and * name of product or vendor*.

Wow it’s amazing how hard this is getting to be…

This is a FRESH INSTALL NEW HDD there is no left over anything… Windows XP / Malwarebytes / Spybot S & D and comodo.

And Malwarebytes and Spybot S & D do not run in the background. And i have the newest comodo and it’s still unstable.

NOTE: I removed the user name from the screenshot.

This could be a bug so I am getting in testing mode to pave the way for a possible bug report.

Can you shut down a bunch of the programs running in the background, disable them from starting with Windows and reboot to see if that bring down the high cpu usage of cmdagent?

Here is the list:
cthelper.exe (what does this application do?)