
I Use the program ‘Perfect Disk’ to defrag.
Starting the program - no problem.
But as soon as I start defrag of the drive, cmdagent.exe starts to run, and continues until I stop the defrag
Whilst cmdagent.exe is running (and it is continuous), it slows the analysis/defrag almost to a stop, and basically makes Perfect Disc unusable.
Even if CAVS is shutdown prior to defrag, cmdagent.exe still runs.

Some members have already informed about this defrag problem. But, isn’t it possible for you to disable CIS antivirus component while defrag is initiated? If you are not connected to internet as ‘always on’, I don’t think it is a big security risk. I think the best option is to defrag at the time of lunch/dinner, disconnecting internet and antivirus. You can enable both once defrag is complete.

Try JKdefrag. Works really well, is quite quick, and doesn’t have problems defragging while CIS is running :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help … and yes, PerfectDisk8 runs smoothly with AV disabled :slight_smile: