cmdagent.exe windows 10x64 crashed all the time


AS the title says, the problem it creates dump files each crash in the folder C:\ProgramData\Comodo\CisDumps of average size 6gb. Someone had complained about it before

During creating the dump file the system become very slow.

I am on windows 10 x 64 pro release circle, various versions, now on 10.0.16299.192

My system is very stable, no other crashes


Upgraded Ram to 12gb, latest firmware (hard drive - Intel me) and bios

Update always to the last drivers of all my hardware

Internet using IPv4 and IPv6. I guess the issue is due to monitoring IPv6 not sure though.

Any clues? is it a bug?

Hi paradis_pal,
May you please share latest cmdagent crash dump?


It may be IPv6 related but I was having issue with IPv6 enabled which slowed down Edge and Microsoft Mail to a crawl. Adding the following ICMPv6 Global rules as advised by another user seemed to fix the issue though not tried it with the latest version yet.

“Add the following ICMPv6 rules to the global rules section, choose ICMP for protocol and then go to ICMP details tab and use ICMPv6 Type from drop down list.
Packet too big
Time Exceeded
Router Advertisement go to Custom and use Type 135 code 0
Neighbor Solicitation Custom Type 136 code 0”

Try disabling IPv6 and restarting to see if it’s connected with that.


Please check with Comodo Internet Security v10.2.0.6504 - BETA. Thank you.