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Hi, I have windows XP with 2 accounts. Cleaner works good on my account,but on my wife’s account when you want to click scan for disk clean-up it gives you a message you must restart your computer to finish the safe delete so a new scan can take place? What’s a possible fix? Thanks

Evening “4putt”

My name is Jacob Kilgore,
I’m one of the Moderators here at Comodo Forums
I would like to try to solve your Issue as Quick as Possible

Check Your Settings Then See If Your Wife Has The Same
On Your Wife’s Account Open Up Comodo System Cleaner and Check The Settings They May Not Be The Same,

Possible Reason You Are Getting This Alert Is Because CSC Works on a .ini/.inf file which means if you have two accounts you have two .ini files,
You might set your settings for the Application a way that you like, but your wife probably didn’t mess with anything so she has the defualt settings.

Did this help you?

- Jacob Kilgore
C-O-M-O-D-O Forum Moderator

Thanks Jacob, I checked every setting. Settings on both accounts are identical. What other possible things? Should I uninstall and then re-install. Thanks