Clients still displaying that they are the "Free" version after push install

I have the Management console up and running and everything seems to be working fine there. I have a handful of PC’s that I have deployed the Agent to as well. After pushing the install of the desktop client they say they are connected fine and receiving updates from the server, however they also display that they are the “free” version. Is this normal?

Thank you for the feedback.
We are working now on this issue.

Any update on this? Just curious.



This issue is under construction.

But (this just my opinion) - you actually do no pay for CIS. So it’s free.
In context of ESM you pay for license which allow you to manage remote endpoints.

And CIS remains free. But it doesn’t influence on the CIS functionality.

Moreover, ESM 1.5 has build in support - so you can connect to our support directly from ESM Console.

I understand that the CIS is free, but it confuses people in the workplace. They question why we use free software when actually we pay for the licenses. From a companies perspective it doesn’t look good. It’s just a mind thing I guess.

Agree with you, that CIS free can be confusing.
But actually you don’t pay for CIS licenses. You pay for ESM License. You can install as many copies of RM CIS as you want without license limitation. The only limitation quantity of managed endpoints, and this is ESM limitation.

As far as it will be fixed, I’ll personally inform you.

Hi we are currently in the same situation, everybody keeps asking why are we using a free version software. Can you not set it so if it is managed, then it does not show free.

Just my opinion…


This issue already under discussion according to feedback.

Thanks for using our product.

Hi and thanks for your reply, but when you say “This issue already under discussion according to feedback.” were do people give you this feedback because I can’t seem to find this poll on your website. It seems to me that you are concentrating on the free version thing rather that the corporate clients for this. Dont get me wrong here as I think it is a great product, but surely when a corporation purchases a product the free no longer exists. I know that you are only charging for the management of the endpoints, but not if you look at the costs for this product against educational pricing for other AV in the UK. There is not that much difference in costs and there product does not have the word free or eval on the interface.

I am still getting asked the question as to why we are using a free product, as peoples perception of free means that it is not as good as a paid for product.

Just my opinion really.

Hi guys,

We are fixing it. It was not supposed to show FREE there.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi Guys,

Has there been any decisions made by Comodo regarding the Free issue and branding.


It will be fixed together with 1.6 ESM Release