click + sign to update and Comodo bombs.

Hi, Comodo is creating differential backups much more quickly than I would have expected so I decided to investigate to see what I am backing up that I need not back up. So I clicked update on one of the two differential profiles I use. I clicked the + sign to drill down in the directory. Comodo immediately aborts. This is an old old old old bug. The one it just bombed on is So the only work around is to recreate all three jobs (the full and the two alternating differentials).

I am currently looking for a Comodo replacement because of this issue (well sometimes - it is a lot of work). Finding one with the + sign expansion of directories to select files I want to back up is not that easy. I think I reported this bug before. It was a long time ago and I can’t be sure if I did. Before I discovered the bug I recommended Comodo to two friends. One of them might actually use your cloud if it is reasonably priced since he uses huge disk space. When I found the bug I let them know. So I think it is worth fixing.

Just thought I would let you know.
