Cleanin up after previously uninstalled program

I’m not sure if it does it or not right now… but anyway

The idea is as follows, let’s say you have a program and don’t have CPM yet, at some point you decide to uninstall it using standard uninstaller or flat out just delete it’s folder (in anyway you most probably have some files, folders, drivers, services etc left over). Then let’s say you found out about CPM and install it, and for this idea’s sake let’s say that this program is present in DB. Now the question \ idea: can CPM detect and clean left overs from that program using (comparing) it’s database entry, even though there may not be an uninstall entry in registry (windows add \ remove list) ?

If it does so already, then how does it handle different versions of the same program?

Actually how does CPM monitoring handle installing newer version over okder one without uninstalling older one first (Ccleaner for example)

Also, since programs can be installed anywhere not just in program files, how does that work with database?
I mean one user installs a program in C:\1 it is monitored and later sent to database, now second user installed same program in D:\5 it is monitored and sent. Is there 2 entries for that program in DB now?

I’ll start by answering to your last question on how the same application is populated in the database.
Most applications will create registry keys in fixed locations containing the install path/paths. When the application information is populated to the database these registry keys are used to identify the install location of the same application over different systems. To use your own example let’s say application A is installed in C:\1 on a machine and in D:\5 on another. The application will always create a registry key with the exact install location and CPM will be looking for that key when uploading information to the database and during the uninstall process for DB Monitored applications.

While including a function to scan for previously uninstalled applications is possible, its exact usefulness is hard to assess. Most applications do not leave those exact registry keys behind so detecting a previous installation is unlikely to occur.

Regarding the issue of monitoring updates of an application there are still some difficulties. In some cases CPM will not see the new install as an update but rather as a different application, displaying the older version as partially uninstalled. Uninstalling the older version at that point will remove the application completely. A fix for this issue is currently being developed and it will be available in a future release.

Thank you for your support.

Tha idea behind detecting and cleaning previously (partially) uninstalled programs is to get rid of drivers, services and maybe registry keys left by that program, so that they will not conflict with other programs (Like leftovers from antivirus or other security software conflicting with CIS).

If DB info about program contains all that data (files, reg entries, drivers, services), I think CPM should detect partially uninstalled program if it can see that for example Driver A is present in the system but there are no files and \ or registry entries that correspond to same program (or part of them are missing) or maybe vice versa.

About CPM monitoring of updates, why not ask user whenever CPM detect an install “Are you installing new software or updating existing one?” and depending on user imput CPM will know what to do. You might think it’ll be annoying, but it’s just 1 question with 2 buttons.