Clean Comodo uninstall?

I would like to remove CPF and install an alternative firewall. How can I ensure that all remnants are removed from my system. Is the Comodo uninstaller adequate? Would anyone suugest running RegSupreme to mop up any remaining registry entries?
Thanks for any advice.

Now that’s a question I tho’ I’ll never heard of…
Based on my experience, the un-installer will do just fine, if your using the latest installment, that is.
Otherwise, just in case… You can check the folowing link to get more reference:
[FAQ list],894.0.html (search for un-install list).

And by the way…
Can you share us the story;
-. What is it that moves you to uninstall CPF curently?
-. May we know what is this firewall your gona testing out?

Just to clarify: I think CPF is superb.

I am just building a new test snapshot In FirstDefense ISR and I am doing this from a snapshot with CPF installed.

I would like to test Greenborder Sandbox with System Safety Monitor. I am going to use Look n Stop as my firewall as I think it runs lighter than CPF.

I am sitting behind a router, so a bullet-proof firewall is not so necessary.

Ah, I see then.

…another final question (if it’s not bother you):
How much lighter does this LnS compared to CPF at it’s full peak?

Hi there I have a similar problem here

Okay here it goes,

Basically I’m using WinXPHome Edition SP2, all with the latest updates. And I connect to the internet using wireless connection through a router shared with other people in the house. I also use the latest version of Comodo firewall, dated 29-09-2006.

Comodo Firewall was working fine until one day out of nowhere an error code just popped out and it says that we should try to un-install and re-installing the firewall again to fix the error.

And I did what I was told. I uninstall using the “Start”-All Programs- Comodo Firewall-Uninstall
and then installing the firewall again. (with a prompt “If you’re trying to uninstall click yes”)

Recently I’ve been experiencing very slow connection and I wonder whether Comodo Firewall might have something to do with it, so I decided to uninstall it again using the same method above.

Here’s the catch. inside ‘Control Panel’ there’s 2 icon one which says “Security Center”

Under “Security Center” STILL says Comodo Firewall is on!!!

I checked at C:\Program Files\Comodo, as suggested … and it turned out that the Comodo Firewall directory is no longer there !!!

What am I gonna do now?? help please