CISPro 1 year promo question

I have a new second hand pc(for our store…just a dual core 3gb) and I still have a copy of the CIS Pro 1 year promo v5.4.58750.1355 (at least I think it’s that version).

Can I still use that? ???

I would want to install it but the pop-up says it’s “File version 59.2MB” and not the version I was looking for. There was no license at that time and I am at a dilemma here.

My store does not have a good internet connection at the moment and only utilizes a mobile dsl plug-in. Can I use that installer and update via an upgrade install of CIS Pro(which I intend to download from the comodo website)…? ???

I have the free COMODO Internet Security 5.5.195786.1383 (current stable version…correct?) in my other home pc and is working fine. I really waited for this “store-pc” to use the 1 year promo.

Can you shed light on my queries please…?

Thank you so much.

voltron :slight_smile:

Hi voltron,

Check your PM,s
