[CIS5.3.xxx.1216] NON-STOP DNS Resolution!!! (www.Comodo.com) (x64)

NON-STOP “www.Comodo.com” DNS Resolution!!!

The bug/issue Step by step:
1.turnon your Lan card (Local Area Network, ie. Use Router or Switch), but don’t connection to internet (remote DNS Server won’t work)

2.Wait a moment or reopen CIS

3.DNS Client Events 1014 (System Eventlog)
Name resolution for the name www.Comodo.com timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.

You can view the CIS “Active Connections” Windows
Svchost.exe DNS resolution request (www.Comodo.com) Again and again i[/i]
It’s Non-Stop DNS Dance.

in the intervals of DNS Resolution request (www.Comodo.com)

The bug/issue Step by step:
1.connection to internet

2.Name resolution for the name www.Comodo.com (Auto DNS Resolution request from CIS)

3.Open Command Prompt
ipconfig.exe /flushdns (After friendly on ipconfig.exe /displaydns)

4.Wait a moment (5-min)
(View CIS “Active Connections” Windows, wait the New DNS resolution request)

OK, I’ve been tested
The DNS Resolution request started at 5-minute intervals
1hr=12 times, 1day=288 times, 1year=100880 times

5.Goto Command Prompt
ipconfig.exe /displaydns

DNS resolution request Again… (www.Comodo.com)

Your set-up
Hardware and Software Independency
you only need CIS 5.3.174622.1216 is running (&Local Area Network is running)
Non-Affected Version: CIS 5.0.163652.1142 or below

My system is Win7 x64
CIS configuration: firewall only

Firewall Rule
cmdagent.exe Block Outgoing HTTP Requests

I don’t use Any Auto-updates check, Lookup, Submit, Comodo Message Center and cloud service. Please stop unneeded DNS Resolution from starting automatically.

We would very much appreciate it if you would edit your first post to create an issue report in line with the bug forum guidelines and format here. You can copy and paste the format from this topic.

To understand the reasons why we ask you to follow these guidelines please see below.

Bugs/issues can be impossible or very time consuming to fix if developers don’t have enough information to reproduce them. Since CIS is free, development time is limited. So if you want your issue fixed, please use the format below to describe it.

To avoid clutter, issues not described in the format below your post will not be moved to the ‘moderator verified’ issues topic. This means that the developers may not look at it.

Best wishes and many thanks in anticipation


The contents has been modified.

OK, I’ve been tested (human time meter)
The DNS Resolution request started at 5-minute intervals (After DNS Resolution Completed)
1hr=12 times, 1day=288 times, 1year=100880 times

Yes. I verified this. It happens when cloud scanning is enabled. It is trying to connect comodo to get the delteted vendor list. But it is supposed to do so every 3 hours not 5 minutes. Bug is verified and be fixed before the update.

But, I don’t use any cloud service. :-[

[attachment deleted by admin]

For testing purposes, can you please change BLOK and LOG rule to ALLOW and LOG and see where it connects?

This will help me to identify whcih service is repsonsible for the requests.


Could you please post if this bug is fixed for you with the latest update today.

Thank you


I presume the bug is fixed as you have not replied, if not please post back in this topic.

Moved to Resolved.


NOT resolved, see
