CIS versus Avast Internet Security

Hi Everyone,
Didnt have much to do this afternoon so played around with AIS to see how it performed compared to CIS.

D+ at paranoid
Comodo - Internet Security
Sandbox disabled
Leak test score 320/340

out of the box
Leak Test score 160/340

The only thing I really like about AIS is the fact that it closes connection to web page that has virus’s.

BTW I still can’t get a full score of 340 with CIS. It fails on DNS and Coat. Does anyone have any answers?
shadha :smiley:

There were some explanations why Comodo Leak Test does not show the truth about CIS with a sandbox. If you switch off the sandbox - this is the same old Defence+ I think.

AIS (5.0.418) “out of the box” protects only
20. InfoSend: ICMP Test Protected
21. InfoSend: DNS Test Protected

With virtualization enabled, I get this score:

COMODO Leaktests v.
Date 09:09:08 - 2010-02-12
OS Windows XP SP3 build 2600

  1. RootkitInstallation: MissingDriverLoad Protected
  2. RootkitInstallation: LoadAndCallImage Protected
  3. RootkitInstallation: DriverSupersede Protected
  4. RootkitInstallation: ChangeDrvPath Vulnerable
  5. Invasion: Runner Protected
  6. Invasion: RawDisk Vulnerable
  7. Invasion: PhysicalMemory Protected
  8. Invasion: FileDrop Vulnerable
  9. Invasion: DebugControl Vulnerable
  10. Injection: SetWinEventHook Vulnerable
  11. Injection: SetWindowsHookEx Vulnerable
  12. Injection: SetThreadContext Protected
  13. Injection: Services Vulnerable
  14. Injection: ProcessInject Protected
  15. Injection: KnownDlls Vulnerable
  16. Injection: DupHandles Vulnerable
  17. Injection: CreateRemoteThread Protected
  18. Injection: APC dll injection Protected
  19. Injection: AdvancedProcessTermination Protected
  20. InfoSend: ICMP Test Protected
  21. InfoSend: DNS Test Protected
  22. Impersonation: OLE automation Vulnerable
  23. Impersonation: ExplorerAsParent Vulnerable
  24. Impersonation: DDE Vulnerable
  25. Impersonation: Coat Vulnerable
  26. Impersonation: BITS Vulnerable
  27. Hijacking: WinlogonNotify Vulnerable
  28. Hijacking: Userinit Vulnerable
  29. Hijacking: UIHost Vulnerable
  30. Hijacking: SupersedeServiceDll Vulnerable
  31. Hijacking: StartupPrograms Vulnerable
  32. Hijacking: ChangeDebuggerPath Vulnerable
  33. Hijacking: AppinitDlls Vulnerable
  34. Hijacking: ActiveDesktop Vulnerable
    Score 120/340

But read this post to understand the result better. :wink:

The best that you can do is use:
Avast 5 (free av) + Comodo (Firewall, Defense+ “Sandbox”… no av)

JoWa, you can’t enable/disable virtualisation. You can only virtualise something ( or not ). AIS 5.0.418 scores 120/340 out of the box.

Greetz, Red.

With “virtualization enabled” I meant ’using process virtualization’. With “out of the box” I mean the score I get without manually enable/use a feature, just double click on clt.exe… :wink:

Process virtualization is only active/used/enabled when you actualy virtualize a process. And out of the box no process is being virtualized.

Greetz, Red.

There’s no such thing like Avast vs. Comodo. :slight_smile: And…do You know why? Because CIS is much better than Avast.I’ve tested the two suites for some time and…that’s the truth.Sorry for all avast users, but CIS FREE is way better. :))

+1 :-TU


Agreed - I much prefer the ethos and actions of Avast AV to CAV and the two seem to run well together.