CIS update

Hi, I’m using CIS 5.5.195786.1383 virusdatabase 9617. During the last couple of days I am invited to install a new update. When I click OK, a small screen is displayed telling me <>. This screen stays on my screen for more than 15 hours without changing. When I click ‘cancel’, I must confirm with OK. In the Windows taskmanager I see that during the ‘update’ cfpupdat.exe uses 13% cpu. So I think something is working, but without an end. Does anyone knows what’s wrong?

Try running Diagnostics and see if that helps or not.

I’m having the same problem, although I didn’t try for more than a couple hours. Ran diagnostics & it says there’s nothing wrong.

Can you look up the version numbers of the platform.dll in the CIS installation folder and the repair folder?

Couldn’t find an installation folder to look in to give you the info you requested. Just uninstalled & reinstalled CIS & updates went through with no problem.

Hi, I’ve got the same problem, platform.dll & repair/platform.dll are the same, their version numbers are:

File version:    5.4.57996.1354
Product version: 5.4.189068.1354

Is it the platform.dll that is causing the problems with you?

OK, I’ve managed to update CIS without reinstalling. All I have to do was to rename / remove platform.dll & signmgr.dll from C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\
I have checked them with unlocker 1.9.1 and they were not used by any process and I was informed that renaming will require administrator privileges, but cfpupdat.exe started without asking for privileges escalation, maybe here is the problem.