CIS Tray icon. Change icon for "Firewall - Block All"

1. What actually happened or you saw:
There is no display in the tray to enable the Firewall mode “Block All”.
2. What you wanted to happen or see:
Change the icon for the mode “Block All”. For example:

Mode “Block All” is On:

3. Why you think it is desirable:
This will increase the friendliness of the program and the convenience of its use.
4. Any other information:
This has long been implemented in similar programs - Agnitum Outpost, Binisoft Windows Firewall Control etc.

To all members, please support this initiative! :slight_smile:

I would go for another icon, like

The cross is too much similar to the disabled status one

Yes, I agree. The icon in the first post is just an example.

Dear members! You do not vote for a specific icon design, but for the fact that the mode icon “Block All” should be different from the others!
For example, as is done in competing products, visually very easy to navigate, which mode is enabled

Consider the possibility that the tray icon will have a different appearance under different firewall modes, like in Outpost or WFC.

I’m afraid this is too difficult a task for the COMODO team, they will never master it :stuck_out_tongue: