CIS Premium disabled

Since i am using Windows 10 Pro X64 version 1909 every day is Comodo Internet Security disabled and must i manually enable CIS. I have CIS completely removed and cleanup with the special tool and reinstalled but no effect. I am using CIS premium version
Can someone tell me if this an Windows or Comodo problem is when i missed the notification then i didn’t know that Comodo has being disabled not really safe.

Hello flyingturtle,

Thank you for reporting. Could you please check your security providers settings and also check your AV settings whether you are enabled the (disabled options).

Have a nice day.

All is enabled AV Firewall HIPS etc i don’t know why it everytime is disabled this is since i use Windows 10.

Can you run powershell and the following commands and see if more than 1 entry with comodo is listed?

Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct
Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class FirewallProduct