CIS on unprotected networks


Just installed the latest CIS x64 on my windows 7 business x64.
I use many free wi-fi connections, some are unprotected.
All firewalls i used show me a pop-up so i can define what type of network it is.
But this doesn’t happen with CIS (with the default configuration).
“Network zone” on CIS is empty.
On “settings” i have the option to detect private networks checked.
Why does this happen?
Am i safe?
How is comodo dealing with unprotected networks?


In the default settings you will be safe as CIS is default stealth.

Of course the data you send when on an insecure network is still for the world to see and read. For those situations you can use TrustConnect. Trustconnect lets you connect to the web through and encrypted connection to the Comodo servers. It comes as a free service with a download limit of 10 GB per month or as a paid service. You can buy it as a separate service or as part of the CIS Pro package together with Live PC Help

When CIS finds a new network you will be alerted. The alert gives you the opportunity to make the network trusted or not. In case of being on free hot spots a lot you should never make a network trusted. CIS does not support different profiles for different connection like other firewalls have. There is a workaround when you want to change between trusted and untrusted networks.