I have an idea for a new gui, so I made it in photoshop, But I am really bad in photoshop and that kind of stuff… So it really does not look very good…
But please do not look at the colors and stuff, just look at the idea… I mean, look at where stuff is placed, and how the design works…
if I have learned how to work with flash and photoshop I will make better designs…
CPU usage I would not wish on the GUI (some systems this could get out of hand).
The CAVS Counter I don’t quite understand? The idea of a signatures status in this area would be great.
Good, but I would say this is a work in progress, DaRtH VaDeR.
The idea of CPU usage is this:
You see a graph of processes that take the most of the cpu time, cpu power or other parameter you choose, and below the graph you see the history, this part belongs to the defense + section…
The idea of CAVS counter is this:
Here you see real time, what cavs is scanning in the background and how far it is from completing its scan round… before its scanning again…
thanks, for your feedback.
Also, the left panel should be able to collapse to the left… Like the panels in Opera browser…
CAVS counter: +1. I would add a file count of what is already scanned, though.
CPU usage: there are already good programs out there to provide this (pictured is an example available as a gadget under Vista - this one will also display core temps if I run a temp monitoring utility).
This wold be more of a utility feature than something CIS would/should have.
Yes but that is not what I mean… I want to see in one instance a graph that shows what proces has taken much cpu time like the traffic graph shows what application has taken or is taken the most amount of your bandwidth…
I am not sure about this, it has to be like, for 3 minutes or so, that proces it taking that amount of the processor, so it gets displayed… and that suspicious process is taking 50% of the processor for like 10 minutes… and so on…
Thanks! Yes, a lot of people have mixed opinions about the cpu usage thing… They fear it will take cpu power and unnecessary resources… But this section of the gui, can be optional in the advanced mode of the section and through the summary options you can close this section…
Thanks for your support guys, I now it looks like SH*T… But I am not good in designing in photoshop and stuff… Give some paper and I show you some stuff… (:WIN)
The re-arrangement isn’t bad, but what about people who don’t install CAV? It would look odd to have a square blank area at the bottom right corner :THNK