Cis.exe crash while running Utorrent on Windows 7 [V6][M172]

Mod Edit: See formal report below

this is not a formal report
I will file full report if necessary
when I run utorrent either virtual or non virtual it causes CIS to crash while showing the connect to internet alert
when I click anywhere on the permissions pop up (allow/block/treat as/remember my answer) the permissions pop up freezes and all of CIS through the GUI gets really slugish
the only way to unstick the pop up is by rebooting, the machine then sticks at Shutting Down forcing a hard reboot
I have done this consistently with different settings each time - same result
is this isolated to me ?

Edit - diagnostic report attached

[attachment deleted by admin]

I am running u torrent 3.2.3 which is the latest version of utorrent. release notes on 3.2.3 say it is compatible with windows 8 and i have no problems and very nice torrent rates. i also have used utorrent with beta 2626, and 2639 of cis 6 with no problems with an older version of utorrent and windows 8 before 3.2.3 came out.But i have only used utorrent 3.2.3 with cis 6-2674. what’s your setup. never had a problem.

Mine is Windows 8 Pro x64
Avast!7 antivirus
Comdodo cis 2675 firewall
utorrent 3.2.3

Hi DrHaze
thanks for response
It seems that I have a conflict somewhere
I’m running W7 x64
CIS 2674
Utorrent 3.2.3
I’m gonna do a full bug report later today
as a side note I installed deluge which ran with no issue at all

when I run utorrent it opens and appears to be running fine until I get the firewall permissions pop up, the pop up and alert sound flicker on and off for several seconds until it “settles”
when I press the - remember answer/allow/treat as - button the alert pop up freezes this happens whichever button I press. the pop up “sticks” and steals focus.
If I try to enter CIS through the GUI it feels very slow and unresponsive, all over windows functions work fine, task manager shows 100% CPU and CIS.exe CISTray.exe are running very high.
I have recreated this running Utorrent from a virtual/non-virtual browser via magnet links
this didn’t happen during any of the beta’s
After a few minutes the CIS GUI becomes totally unresponsive and the initial pop up is still there stealing focus
I’m forced to reboot system to "restart CIS.
When rebooting the machine freezes at the “shutting down” message forcing me to perform a hard reboot, the system then restarts normally


  1. What you did:
    started Utorrent via a magnet link in a virtual waterfox also started Utorrent via a magnet link in a non-virtual waterfox - same result. Aso same result if ran from a virtual/non-virtual instance of dragon
  2. What actually happened or you actually saw:
    The firewall alert pop up flickers before actually popping up, Then freezes causing CIS to crash when any button pressed
  3. What you expected to happen or see:
    The firewall alert pop up popping up and disapearring when suitable button pressed
  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened:
    was forced to reboot as pop up steals focus and CIS GUI freezes
  5. If a software compatibility problem have you tried the compatibility fixes (link in format)?:
  6. Details & exact version of any software (except CIS) involved (with download link unless malware):
    Utorrent 3.2.3
  7. Whether you can make the problem happen again, and if so precise steps to make it happen:
    happens consistently when step 1 is followed
  8. Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons):
    I’m guessing at a compatibility issue
    B. FILES APPENDED. (Please zip unless screenshots).:
    A diagnostics report file (Click ‘?’ in top right of main GUI) Required for all issues):


  1. CIS version, AV database version & configuration:
    Comodo Internet Security Version 6.0.260739.2674
    Database 14628
  2. a) Have you updated (without uninstall) from a previous version of CIS:
    b) if so, have you tried a clean reinstall (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
    b) if so, have U tried a standard config (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
  3. Have you made any other major changes to the default config? (eg ticked ‘block all unknown requests’, other egs here.):
  4. Defense+, Sandbox, Firewall & AV security levels:
    Proactive - HIPS off
    sandbox level - fully virtual
  5. OS version, service pack, number of bits, UAC setting, & account type:
    Windows 7 x64 (Service Pack 1)
  6. Other security and utility software currently installed:
    Zemana anti logger free beta
  7. Other security software previously installed at any time since Windows was last installed:
    ExploitShield - protection disabled and turned off due to previous conflict with waterfox
  8. Virtual machine used (Please do NOT use Virtual box):
    Not a virtual machine.

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how do I try compatibility fixes ?

I’d be very grateful if you would post a screenshot of you process list from Killswitch. (Use Watch activity from Advanced tasks)

This will:

  • allow me to forward this to format verified
  • help me to help you find a work around
  • let me give you a tracking number for the issue

Many thanks in advance for your assistance.


ok I have tried to recreate the issue so I have accurate screens of processes
I cannot get utorrent to run from a magnet link in any browser now virtual or non
I have uninstalled and reinstalled utorrent to no avail
I have the same issue with deluge
screens attached…


the only differance between I can think of between now and yesterday when I reported bug is I have uninstalled Tool Wizz TimeFeeze

[attachment deleted by admin]

What do your CIS (FW, D+, AV) logs say when Utorrent will not run? Could you post them please?

Would you mind uninstalling timefreeze (appropriate name?), and giving it a whirl.

Or simpler take a restore point, then do a restore back to yesterday, as installation will probably have triggered one. (There should be a restore point entry marked Timefreeze which mean before TimeFreeze).

Then you can just restore forwards again.

Best wishes


Ok seems the issue was connected to time freeze (forgot it was there)
I have uninstalled utorrent ran ccleaner and rebooted
all seems good now

thanks mouse1 for your time and I apologize for wasting it
I can only think this was connected to TimeFreeze some how, I will try and recreate issue again when I have more time and report findings back here so this can be confirmed or not

I will still post logs if needed or provide any info if required
thanks again

Well CIS should not crash, so I’ll forward this as a bug if you don’t mind

Best wishes


Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time availability and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again


Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (6.2.282872.2847)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (6.3.294583.2937)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

The devs have informed me that they believe that this is fixed for CIS version 7.0.313494.4115. I will therefore move this to Resolved.

If this is still not fixed for you please both respond to this topic and send me a PM (including a link to this bug report).

Thank you.