I’ve used Folder Scan option in Antivirus main menu, selected one Steam game to scan its files so it would load faster and it ended scan in 7 seconds which is impossible for a game that’s many gigabytes in size. Then I right clicked on the game folder, used Context Menu Scan on it and it again ended in 7 seconds. Can someone else try if this is broken or something because this isn’t normal.
Using Windows 11 with latest CIS released few days ago I believe.
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Factors that affect scan time are file size, scan exclusions, and whether the file or av db changed since that last time the file was scanned.
So its possible the files are bigger than the max file size setting in the manual scan profile. Or the av database hasn’t been updated since the last time those files were scanned. Or you have set scan exclusions that you forgot about that might be going into effect.
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