CIS causing BSOD

I got a keylogger from an email. I had to use Malwarebytes to get rid of it. I bought FireLion Anti-Keylogger and installed it. After rebooting I got an immediate Blue Screen Of Death. I couldn’t read most of it because it flashed past too quick but it clearly had the words “Comodo Anti Virus” on it. I had to go into safe mode to uninstall the Anti-Keylogger. I reinstalled it with the same results.

If I leave CIS turned off, everything is fine. The instant I turn it on, I get the BSOD again. I uninstalled the Anti-Keylogger again. I took that one back and bought Anti-keylogger Elite version 3.3.3. The instant I installed it I got the BSOD again and it said something about Comodo Anti Virus.

Why won’t CIS let an anti-keylogger run? It had no problem letting the keylogger run.

Welcome. :slight_smile:
I don’t think CIS’s AV detects keyloggers yet (really not sure). However, are you running D+ in CIS, because, D+ can intercept keyloggers.
In D+ > Advanced > D+ Settings > Monitor Settings, is ‘Keyboard’ checked? If so, you should have gotten an alert when the keylogger ran.

If you want to keep the other Anti-Keylogger, make sure it is set to “Trusted Application” if you are running D+ and add it to the AV Ignore List. (AV > Scanner Settings > Exclusions).
And see if there is anything pertaining to it in your CIS logs.

I can’t set it to Trusted Application. When installing, the instant I click on ‘Finish’ I get the BSOD. I don’t get a chance to do anything.

To make sure it’s not something I did wrong, I just went to my next door neighbor. He also uses CIS. I gave him the Anti-Keylogger Elite and had him install it. The second he clicked on “finish” he got the BSOD. It’s definitely something with CIS.

Can you please post the minidump created in c:\windows\minidump ? that would help dev’s to troubleshoot what is happening. Also please post it here: