It is signify to complete Comodo Internet Security with BOClean? :THNK
Thank. Brano
It is signify to complete Comodo Internet Security with BOClean? :THNK
Thank. Brano
Hi lauko.b.
If I understand your question correctly, Yes.
BOClean is a nice complement/addition to CIS protection.
BOClean will also be in CIS in some weeks to come…
Having reinstalled CIS after a complete OS re-install I installed BOClean 4.27.
The Defense+ function in CIS reports that it is no longer functioning properly and the diagnostic can find no error.
Am I to understand that CIS now renders BOClean redundant and that this is at the root of my problem?
(N.B. I also have SafeSurf, Verification Engine and CSE installed).
I feel a bit of an idiot. (Won’t say which bit.)
I ran updates on both CIS/AV and BOClean, rebooted and Hey Presto! Problem solved.
Don’t know if it will solve others’ problems but I’m happy now.
Care to mention a date when CIS includes boclean? Also does this mean boclean standalone has a few weeks left before retirement?
CIS 3.9 will include BOClean, and that is due out end of March
Perhaps when boclean is included in CIS we’ll have the option of disabling the AV realtime but still have bocleans memory scanning realtime?
Only time will tell the answer to that
Either that or the Comodo devs!
That is an option that I think I would definitely like to see.