CIS blocks "WusetupV.exe" and Windows 7 update fails

i was just trying to update “Windows7” but it failed. Defense + blocked :" Windows\software distribution\self update\handler\wusetupv.exe.

Could somebody please answer and help me!!!.

Thank you very much for helping.

Yours karniaris

Hi Karniaris,

The file you mention was probably not whitelisted. Additionally, you could upload the file to CIMA and post the link here.

Here is a work-around that repairs possible issues with Windows Update :

  1. For now, please disable “Auto-Sandbox” & “HIPS” features.
  2. After that, please run KB947821. Restart your computer system.
  3. Check for new updates.
  4. Restore your initial configuration [Step 1].

Hope it helps.

Qmarius, you are absolutely great. I did as you recommended and everything works fine. One new update was installed, perfekt.

I thank you very very much for helping.
