CIS and Windows Defender Center Creator

My CIS has a issue with Windows Defender center since updated to 10 Creator. I have two machines, and in one them, Windows Defender Center crashes every time in startup, the icon of center defender close ( that occur in one machine only. In another machine updated, every works fine)I have been uninstalled CIS and Windows Defender works , but if CIS is installed, Defender Center crashes again and dont work (when i try open Windows Defender AV, thats freeze and the Central dont start if CIS is installed) . Someone have that issue too? Thanks for help

PS: if cmdagent dont start sometimes when CIS start up(bug), the Center Defender works.

Hi Moriyama,

Welcome to Forum.

Please provide us the diagnostic report generated, we need for further investigation.

Kind Regards,

Try the following: Uninstall CIS and reboot. run this removal tool via run as administrator right-click menu. Reboot when completed. Install CIS using standalone installer from bottom of this post.


The diagnostic report is in a zip with two files. Note that the report dont found nothing stange (i think), and that occur in only one machine. Perhaps an unknow bug?

Hi. I already did your suggestion with removal tool, but the problem occurs again, CIS when uninstalled Defender Center is ok, CIS when installed, Defender Center crashes and doesnt work.

I saw this on two PCs when I changed CFW to proactive mode: WD icon disappeared from tray; WDSC crashed; but WD process was still running according to process manager. Unfortunately, no access to WD without WDSC.


i’ve the same issue.
When i upgraded i received the information that Windows Firewall was disabled (i though that Comodo should replaced it) however i’ve enabled it since i know sometimes Windows update won’t work if WFW is disabled.

now if i try to open the Windows security center, it crash and won’t open. From event log i see that RPC failed. if you want to upload events let me know.

Windows 10 1703 (build 15063.138)

Please check again with version thanks.

No longer crashing WDSC, thanks.