i run a laptop with win 8.1 64 bit and i had also the 64 bit version of CIS installed. as i want to make a clean reinstall i followed the instruction:
but the link to download CIS guides me to a download page where there is no option to choose from 64 or 32 bit versions.
the geek buddy in the comodo chat gave me the following link:
so which version should i install on my laptop? the one given in the instructions or the one from the support (64bit)?
thank you
I believe you can use either, the installer given in the instructions will detect whether you have 32bit or 64bit Windows and then install the correct version, this is also one reason why it is larger than the one geekbuddy linked because the installer geekbuddy linked only has 64bit version of CIS.
I’d recommend using the link geekbuddy sent you if you are sure that you have a 64bit system simply because the download is smaller.
thank you 
i saved the configuration under advanced settings/configuration/export can i simply import it there again after reinstallation?
Yes you should be able to import it there again after reinstalling CIS.
yes, thank you. it worked. but what i never will understand with CIS, is that why after reinstalling it, all the files from trusted vendors are unrecognised again? and why even when i check “remember my answer” or “trust this file” in a pop up and allow the application to be executed, CIS again askes me next time whether to trust that file or not. looks like CIS needs to be told the same rules abaout 5 times until they are finally remembered… and the unrecognised files in the unrecognised file list, why they are not scanned in the cloud for reputation, even when that corresponding box is checked? it remains a mistery… 88)