CIS 6 working on off

When you hook up the camera to camera software what MAC address does it show? The old or the new one?

I forgot to check for a basic setting. To see that file you need to have “Show hidden folders, files and drives” enabled in Folder Options.

Do you see software from the vendors named in the description I gave in the above? Look in the list of installed programs. You may need to enable the column that show publishers for this. May be the file came as part of a software you installed from named publishers.

Can you hook up the hard drive to another system to see if you can find the file from there?

Just to be on the safe side scan your computer with the following scanners:
Malwarebytes Antimalware
Super Antispyware
Hitman Pro
TDSS Killer rootkit scanner

I am still sort of confused with what is going on as you did not answer or respond to the following. Are you running D+ in Paranoid Mode and Firewall in Custom Policy Mode.

When allowing CIS a certain action it will remember that answer for the Window session (assuming you did not tell it to remember the answer). This still seems to be a valid explanation for what you are noticing. This behaviour cannot be changed.

Could you when posting use interpunction like we all learned it in school? That means make a paragraph structure to separate things. Don’t make long and elaborate sentences (that makes it very hard to read your post); separate multiple thoughts in multiple sentences. Also start a sentence with a capital letter and put a space behind the dot that ends a sentence.

I suggest you start a separate topic for this in the Firewall help board. When making a new topic be sure to state what other security programs you have installed and whether they run in the background or not.

(You asked what files I used it (GSW32) with. The answer is none. If the computer used that file then is must have been Win 7 Pro and not me. I do not do graphics especially since MS has not gotten Win7 to read "PNG" files yet. I have been waiting over 2 years for MS to figure out how to do that and to date they have only gone from not being able to read them to being only able to read them on certain days of the week and I do not consider that fixed yet.) Yes, "MS" has been on the computer and only failed to get Win 7 Pro to read them. Still waiting.
Are you running Windows 8 installed over an existing Windows 7 installation? The problem with png messages is out of the scope of this topic.

You said Microsoft did a remote check of your computer? How did come into contact with them? Did you contact Microsoft about the problem with png images? Did you get called by somebody stating to be from Microsoft while you did not contact Microsoft about this problem?

BTW: I know this is a Comodo forum, but is it physically possible for HMP to actually do a full scan of between 1 and 2 million objects on the computer that Comodo found less than 200,000 objects in about 40 seconds. Thanks
What is HMP?

Please answer my questions briefly and to the point without adding additional information.

I learned something new today. I ran a sfc /SCANNOW and had corrupted files but this command below fixed it on two PC’s. So if you get errors try this command below!From my testing it works on Windows 7 and 8!

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Sorry. I took too long typing out all the answers and the system through all of them away. Second try.

I type with 1 finger. Surprised you understand anything.

Win 8 installs over win 7. Third verify to get it verified and second install failed completely and needed a telephone verify to verify it as genuine. Load Win 7 after kill disk and not connected to internet from holographic disk and then install 7.1 from holographic disk from “MS”.

HMP is Hit Man Pro. 1 to 2 million objects in about 40 seconds. MWB and Comodo full scans negative.

Comodo is paranoid and custom. I block, terminate and remember “defender” that is turned off and Win confirms it is disabled, but it still tries to connect to the internet over and over with each attempt blocked, terminated and remembered. Same thing happens with portabledevices that is also not enabled.

All hidden files/folders are allowed to be seen. I assume whatever placed and used the files has removed them. I just wanted to confirm Comodo did not hide them and you did.

Thanks for the suggestion to read the disk from another. I have and it was negative.

None of the programs were ever installed on any of the computers to my knowledge.

I complained via email ETC and MS called me back and left without being able to fix more than once.

I will do the cameras later. I just wanted to rule out possibilities.

Thanks for the sfc fix. Too bad “MS” never told me about this on any of their visits to my computer.

Is there any way to speed up Comodo accessing advanced settings? Now it takes over 1 minute to respond. Is there any setting in Comodo to block the second hidden mouse in Win? Thanks

Are you sure it was Microsoft who accessed your computer? You may be the victim of Microsoft phone scams. It is this quote that has me wondering if you are the victim of a phone scam:

OK, You never know for certain, who you are talking to when someone calls you on the phone, but it was in response to a email to MS and they did not do anything to help. Just that MS may fix the problem in the future, which they have not. In any case I have kill disked tens of times and reloaded not connected to the internet tens of times, so the computers are pure MS at this time. Comodo is getting slower. Diagnostics says it is OK, but it shuts down and takes minutes to restart and the advanced settings now takes multiple minutes to appear. The computer stays responsive otherwise and the only other thing Win has done is place the desktop inside of a “Iexplorer” window. What might be the best way to fix this? The Defender program still tries to connect despite Win saying it is not running and the process has been turned off in process manager. Is there any way for Comodo to block this? Thanks

Can you show a screenshot of this? I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say.

The Defender program still tries to connect despite Win saying it is not running and the process has been turned off in process manager. Is there any way for Comodo to block this? Thanks
Make sure that Windows Defender service is set to start Manual.

OK, in Win 8 it gives windows of running “Ie” windows. One of those is the Desktop. Win has placed a desktop inside of a running “Ie”. window.

Comodo no longer will scan and diagnostics says all ok.

1 driver has changed from signed to unsigned.

internet search of it says it may be a back door.

Reboot does nothing except Comodo loads very very slow.
Security settings of “run” window keep locking out the administrator.

How best to proceed?

Can you show a screenshot of this? Sometimes a picture tells more than a thousand words.

Comodo no longer will scan and diagnostics says all ok.
Do you get an error message when you try to scan?
1 driver has changed from signed to unsigned.

internet search of it says it may be a back door.

What is the name of that driver? Can you post a url to the Virus Total report of this?

Reboot does nothing except Comodo loads very very slow. Security settings of "run" window keep locking out the administrator.

How best to proceed?

What do you mean with reboot does nothing? Do you mean rebooting does not fix it?

“Can you show a screenshot of this? Sometimes a picture tells more than a thousand words.”

Reboot does not fix it/does not change Comodo behavior/does not get Comodo to scan. It just does nothing when told to scan. No error messages. I only looked up the file on the internet and saw that it was listed as a potential back door and it changed from a signed to an unsigned file. I do not know how Win changes signed drivers to unsigned, because the only update I did was Win 8 that came from MS. It was signed in Win 7 and changed to unsigned in Win 8.

Win 8 shows the “IE” windows at the bottom of the screen when multiple windows of “IE” are opened. One of those windows Win has placed the entire desktop. In other words, the Win desktop of the computer is displayed inside of a running “IE” window, just as if you were viewing a web page from the internet, but it isn’t from the internet. It is the actual desktop picture of the computer as shown on the “ACTIVE” desktop view that is seen when you look at your own computer screen. Only it is being displayed by Win inside of a “IE” inactive window that are opened at the bottom of the desktop in Win 8.

Since sometimes files winding up in logs of Comodo disappear, I disconnected the computer from the internet and attempted to scan it. That is when I found out Comodo will not scan and the administrator was locked out of the command prompt.

Signed to not signed and Virus Total will not scan it on more than one try. Win keeps placing the active Desk Top inside of an “IE” window. What should I do. (Win 8 came from MS)

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I still have not been able to get sigcheck to work. Is there a better way to do that? Win Defender is disabled in services. Win confirms it is off. How do I stop “MPCMDRUN” from popping up and blocking remember does not stop it. Tens of times over and over. Is there a better way?

OK, is it or is it not normal for Win 8 to change signed drivers to unsigned? Is it or is it not normal for Win 8 to place the active Desktop inside of a “IE” window for display as if it was a web page being seen from the internet? Is it or isn’t it normal for Comodo not to scan the unsigned drivers that Win 8 has changed from signed? Also is there a simple way to get sigcheck to work? Thanks

Ok, I learned that other people runnung Win 8 do not have unsigned drivers and Win does not place the active disktop inside of their “IE” windows. I also have Win constently changing the security settings on directories. It prevented “IE” from doing an auto security erase on close because “IE” did not have privalages to do it. I was wondering why Win constently wants to do connects to internet as a “ICS” or “VPN” when it is not configured as either? What is the best way to configure Comodo to block any of this? Thanks

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Is there any way to stop WIN from setting its MMC service accessible to all unsecure open network connections? Also stopping Win from changing the security settings of directories? Win locks out the administrator and the only way I have figured out getting back into things like the command prompt to run “SFC” is to make it accessible to everyone. Is there any way to stop Win from placing files on the computer then removing them? I still have not figured out how to stop Win from placing the active desktop inside a “IE” window. How do you stop Win from doing that? I personally consider WIN to be nothing but CRAPWARE and I am trying to configure Comodo to make it usable. I am no computer expert and do need and appreciate any and all help to accomplish this. Thanks (Also how do you get Comodo to load in less time than minutes? It use to load a lot faster but now takes minutes despite it saying all is ok. Thanks)
Also I noticed connections with just a few bytes in and megabytes out. They go to “Cambridge” how best to stop this activity? Thanks.