CIS 6 Setting up tips & ideas

(:AGY) Agry & confused ,lost in the IT world will find help with setting up CIS6

Maybe if you could tell us what you don’t understand, we could help you out.

My tip takes some time to read. :wink:
Comodo Internet Security V6 Help

I found you have to You have to define an exception in behavior blocker for Q drive to make microsoft office 2010 save files or find printers

Yeah follow the official guide for version 6. Also you must have a look at the updated guide how to set up version 6 by Chiron:

I always look at both and decide what to tweak and what not.

Tip: Activate your preferred configuration before applying your personal settings.
Failing to do so will leave your personal settings with the previous configuration and they will need to be reset with the new configuration.

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Thanks aloooot for any replays (:CLP)

But i think there is a misunderstanding ,propably my fault (:HUG) as big as that.

My intention with the topic was - to group any tips and ideas for setting CIS6 - for anyone who need it

Im fine with CIS6 ,and have my own setting ,but there are many of us with diferent ideas and experience to share :■■■■

Till now everyone is looking for any help and tips in the

and there is a big -mismutch - of themes , question & answers.

Thats wath Im talking about ,tips and advice .

But I think a clear -CIS6-setting ,tips and ideas will be more clearly for those who need to set up CIS6 .
People will know where to go ,to find help with setting.

installation and configuration