CIS 2025 'forgetting' trusted files constantly?

I upgraded to CIS 2025 v. not too long ago, and so far havent had any stability issues. App management/control seems to work well, firewall has been solid.

File rating has been… odd. Seems like every couple weeks it forgets a substantial amount of file ratings, this Morning my system (Win 10 Pro 22H2) hit a new record; 8000+ unrecognized files, most of which had been previously looked up, and trusted accordingly.

Any ideas?




Hello, I’m going through the same problem, but in a smaller quantity as the image below shows. :roll_eyes:

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File ratings are cached for a certain period of time when doing cloud lookup. Those files were added to the file list when you run an av scan that has cloud lookup enabled in the scan profile. You should just remove those files from the file list especially those that are not executable to reduce the amount of files clogging the file list.

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Thats fine I guess, but the question is, why does it keep doing it? It really shouldnt (ever), so its either some sort of bug, or a setting somewhere. Files I’ve marked manually as trusted get lost in the mix as well. Its very poor app behavior. I’d rather not disable scheduled scans, but I suppose its a place to start.


A post was merged into an existing topic: CIS 2025 (v. Error when decoding a file to be sent for analysis

User defined file rating is permanent, only comodo assigned ratings has a time limit. So if you don’t want files to lose their rating just manually set to trusted. Or you can disable cloud lookup in the scan profile to stop file rating being applied to scanned files.