CIS causes Office 2016 failed to launch[M2278]

After upgrade CIS from to, most components of Microsoft Office 2016 (Such as EXCEL 2016, Word 2016, and so on) will fail to launch, the process of Office 2016 will have high CPU usage while launching.


  • HIPS is already set to disabled.
  • Auto-Containment is also set to disabled.
  • Add the excel into Exclusions on “Detect shellcode injections”, the app will became normal.

Hi zmx01403137,
Please see if you could use following steps to help us troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Remove the exclusion
  2. Execute the applications (Office / Excel)
  3. Go to Task Manager, right click on application (Excel / Office app) and select ‘Create dump file’ menu. Please take couple of dumps at different intervals and share with us via gdrive or any other file sharing site.


Same problem with LibreOffice 5.3.4 64 bits.

Please also provide system information by going to start type msinfo32, press enter, go to file menu and choose export, save as a file name and attach generated report.

Here my system information.

Please get dump file of EXCEL 2016 and msinfo32 from:

I have the same problem.

I noticed that Comodo does not recognize the Office Applications as ‘Trusted’ Anymore.

  • The Rating of each office applications executable (WinWord.exe, Excel.exe, etc.) is ‘Unrecognized’.
  • The field ‘Company’ is also empty for these files.
  • The field ‘Certificate Signer’ in the Comodo file details window shows ‘(n/a)’. The file properties do show that it is digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation however.
  • Comodo Rating in the Comodo file details window shows ‘(n/a)’

Not sure if the cause of this issue is Comodo or Office.

Your issue is different from the issue described in this topic. However it appears that Microsoft change the way they signed Office. See this post on explanation which should be corrected now.

Thank you for this clarification.

I figured that the two issues were the same (or at least related).
Cause I was facing very long loading times of Office 2016, until I Trusted the Office applications files manually…

Please check with CIS v10.0.1.6294 which was released to fix this issue.


Please check with latest Comodo Internet Security v10.2.0.6504 - BETA released. Please let us know if you can reproduce the issue.
Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,