Chromodo Version now available for download.

Hi All,

Please let me apologies for the delay in this post, we had technical problems with forums access which are now resolved.

We’re very pleased to announce the release of Chromodo Version

What’s new for Chromodo?

  • Chromium code base has been updated to 50
  • IP/DNS leakage detector feature has been added. IP / DNS Leakage Detector helps you to see what information can be seen by the web sites that you visit. In these web sites, site owners, advertisers, widgets can track and collect these information
  • Disabling WebRTC as a built-in feature has been added.Comodo Dragon helps users to enable and disable WebRTC by a built-in option. Disabling WebRTC feature is listed under the Security section in Settings page. By unchecking the option, you’ll be able to disable WebRTC. After option is unchecked, tab has to be closed closed and re-opened to disableWebRTC in the active tabs. WebRTC comes enabled by default
  • PriceSuggestor extension, as with Dragon helps you find the best deals for products you are looking at

Download Path Chromodo

Thank you for your all feedback for COMODO Browsers! We have collected all of your feedbacks and created a list of improvements and new features. We really appreciate all of your contributions to provide you a great browser.


COMODO Dragon & Chromodo Browser Team

I made some lay out edits. Eric

This price suggestor :-TD … It is an old move for browsers and advertisers… You are also too late to integrate such things.
It is not related with security. Why do you do this ?
“Dragon will be more security focused browser and Chromodo will be more user oriented”
This price suggestor or finder whatever else. It is OK with Chromodo but please remove it from Dragon.

Hi yigido,
The mentioned extension is easy to disable or remove if you don’t want it.

Kind regards.

Thanks for the update Comodo.

Hi Shane

I seem to get this message every time a new version of Dragon or Chromdo are released (see attached screenshot). I am unable to update within the browser itself (no license to read or button to accept) and end up having to download and re-install manually. I’ve tried updating as a limited user, administrator and “run as administrator” but still no joy :cry:


[attachment deleted by admin]

Great work guys!

Adding more security with IP/DNS leakage detector! Good job.

Congratulations with the release Shane. It’s good to see Comodo browsers getting traction towards getting more in synch with the parents. :slight_smile:

Hi yigido,

A new version of Dragon went live today. To help ensure the browsing safety of all users, especially those who don’t have AV, we’ve given Comodo Dragon a post install/update window. As the screen says, you’re browser is already updated and ready to use. This window is an offer for those, and there are many, that don’t have AV or for those that want to try out CCAV. CCAV is a lightweight AV with full power. Installing the AV is completely optional, just simply click “Decline”, you’re browser is already updated.

Regarding the video issues. Our development teams have been working on this and we have implemented H.264 and we’re just finalizing MSE support. Once that’s completed and QA is done all the videos you mentioned will play. The Chromium cod base does not support these video types due to proprietory code and licensing. It’s coming very soon.


Comodo Dragon v52.15.25.66 is now available for download.
