Choose for run or download

I would like to have the possibility when I click on a download link to choose between running or downloading the file.

At the moment you can only set it after you downloaded the file.
The problem is, this is an one time setting. After it’s set, that file type will run every time you start a download.
And if you want to stop that file type to run, you can only reset this for all types. After which you can start again with al other file type that you had set to run.

Not having the possibility to choose between downloading and running, but only to set it once for a file type, raises security issues. I would think this would raise concerns with Comodo, knowing security is of paramount importance to them.

Hi prinsb,
The option that I take it that you are looking for is already available.
The option ‘Open When Done’ (Screenshot) is cleared after that download.

Kind regards.

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Hello Captainsticks,

Thats not what I want.
I want the possibility to choose to run or alway run when I click on the link, not afterwards.
And I would like to be able to reset it per file type.