Checking files using CIMA & Valkyrie [v4][v5][v6]

If you are unsure whether to trust a file or not, and cannot wait for Comodo to perform a full analysis on a file submitted by ‘My Pending Files’, you a can use Comodo’s instant automated file checking services. These comprise:

[ol]- CIMA to (negatively) check it does not exhibit malware-like behaviour, and/or

  • Valkyrie to (positively) check that it looks like a safe file. [/ol]

If the file passes both the CIMA and the Valkyrie checks, then its pretty certain to be safe. No check apart from full manual analysis can be 100% certain.

How to submit file to CIMA
To do this submit the file here. A result of ‘Undetected’ means that the file is highly unlikely to be malware. For certainty you need to wait for Comodo to perform the full analysis. (To interpret results other than ‘undetected’ please seek help in the CIMA forum).

How to sumbit a file to Valkyrie
To do this submit the file using the link and guidance given here. A result of safe means that the file is highly likely to be safe. Any other result means the file could be malware, so keep it in the sandbox until full file analysis is completed.

Please help us improve this FAQ entry by posting suggestions to the ‘Sandbox help materials - Feedback’ topic here. This topic has been prepared by a volunteer moderator – with input from other moderators and Comodo staff members. (Thanks everyone). It has been produced on a best endeavours basis - it will be added to and corrected as we find out more about this topic. Please note that I am not a member of staff and therefore cannot speak on behalf of Comodo.