CFW installation??

Hi there,

I am new to the forums & don’t have much knowledge about machines & softwares. Just installed Comodo Firewall kindly guide me how to congiure it from scratch.

Am using XP SP3 with Avast 5 Free Ed & MBAM resident.

Hoping to hear from you smart experienced members.


I have a Clt score of 40/340?? do I configure the Summary, Firewall, Defense+, More Features?

Kindly help am a newbie!


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Regarding the sandbox:

Also read the last pages of Leak Test Results to learn more about how the sandbox skews CLT results.

Do you have specific questions about the firewall?

Thanks but I gave up Comdo FW…CLT zipped contains a Coat.DLL in plugins thats a Win32 Trojen.

No, that would be a False Positive… 88)

Look it up with Virus Total and be amazed… .

What does that tell us about automatic processing of files by AV companies?