cfp v3 blocking certain parts of avast help?

hi there here is a picture of my logs after one night not sure how do i fix this?

Thats your Avast web shield. Make it trusted under the firewall and D+.

should i make all avast stuff trusted?

Except Avast updater. You need to make that an updater. The 2 entries in the firewall you can make trusted.

i dont see update i see avast setup i think thats what free version uses for updates? should i set that as updater.

I know longer use Aavst. Its very easy to figure out by just updating Avast and seeing what program starts up. It will also be one of the 2 program listed in your firewall.

ok got it it the setup one i set it as a installer/updater if defense + and left it alone in firewall as i did not see a updater mode in there all other avast service are set to trusted thanks.

i need help again avast forums tell me i need this for avast as well but its not in my firewall but it is in my defense + how do i add it and what rule do i give it in firewall outgoing only or trusted app. C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service)

also the ones i made trusted in defense+ have returned to custom even after i hit apply i just notest that the one in firewall i set to trusted has stayed this is odd.

If you using web based email you don’t need to do that. So what your saying is you want to to add ash mail to the firewall and D+? It should be there already. Open up Comodo click on the firewall tab. Click on advanced then go to the network security policy and click add. Select it from the running processes since it is a running process. Do the same with D+. The help file found under Miscellaneous explains all this is full detail for you.

It is not odd its normal behavior.

i figured that out but what do i set them as in firewall trusted ?

Trusted is fine. It is a trusted program your using.

thanks got it all done now

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