cfp.exe error

I just installed the latest version 3.0.25. The installation seemed to go ok.
I rebooted and got the dialog box that said I had a bug in cfp.exe.
I clicked on the details and it says I have a crash dump error.
I have no idea what that is. The system boots up after I tell it to
close but is everything running as it should?? Don’t know.
Anybody got any ideas??

Welcome to the forums freon,

Try running the Diagnostics check which should tell you if all is ok—>Miscellaneous/Diagnostics
What you should have is the green tick next to System Status and “All systems are active and running” at the bottom


Just to make sure we are all on the same page. Running win xp sp3, norton corporate av.
Nothing else. The check you suggested reveles nothing. On the miscellaneous tab I ran diagnostics.
The utility finds no problems. The green dot with the check is present with the
"all systems are active and running"box at the bottom left corner.

Huh … … strange… No way to do away with the false alarm at startup??

Ohh before I forget. Any ideas on a malware adware scanner??
I run older machines so I can use all the speed I can get.

SuperAntiSpyware and Malware Bytes Anti Malware are the best on demand scanners around.