cfp and Vista


Like probably many others in this forum, I’m going to upgrade to Windows Vista pretty soon. In the meantime developers continue to work on software that’s mostly optmized for windows xp, I mean not just Comodo developers do that. People don’t seem to realise that in 6 (short) weeks from now, many
desktop users (and I am amongst them) just won’t use XP anymore for the rest of their lives. And I’m not going to dual-boot; I’ve already tried that with Vista RC1 and XP, and no thanks (efs issues, another topic…). Well people had months to develop and test their software on betas and RC versions of Vista…ok I’m not a developer myself, but I just realised that I just won’t be able to use some of my favourite programs anymore, and that’s in a few weeks. I read that cfp 3.0 would be Vista ready, and ready for release in early 2007. Just hope it’s true. Anybody can confirm?

totaly out of topic: I just watched “Topic: Meet the Administrators and Moderators” and I found it really nice, friendly. That’s one more good point for this forum. I mean this forum is really different; people seem to feel more involved than others do in other places on the web. They just give more of themselves and that’s just great. (:CLP)



Comodo are working on being Vista ready for all their software, and I believe these are to be released when Vista becomes mainstream.

Hope this helps,

I think this basically sums up Comodo. They listen to their users, opinions etc and they change their software to reflect this and constantly look to improve. The forums are aimed to be a peaceful, friendly place where users help each other, but can also have fun - not serious all the time like in other places. :wink:


thanks mike.I just hope that at least the firewall will be ready at the begining of february. Vista’s integrated Firewall, as far as I remember when I tested RC1, is an improved version of the one from xpsp2, but cannot match a “real” firewall.

nice answer :■■■■

Cheers! :■■■■