CFP (x64) D+ refuses to learn

I wasn’t sure whether to put this in here or in the suggestions thread with a plea for a “yes I am sure I trust it, stop asking!” button.

I don’t know if this is a bug, or something that perhaps got corrupted when my system hard-locked the other night & I had to hit reset [at the present time I don’t consider CFP a suspect in the incident ;)]. The thing is that I’ve noticed that if I’ve recently had a crash or even just Explorer’s fallen on its own sword & I’ve had to restart it with Task Manager > File > New Task (Run), then afterwards CFP will develop selective amnesia with regards to some prog or other. By that I mean that not only will it forget that I’ve previously given said prog permission, but that even though I ticked the remember box, the next time the prog wants to do the same thing CFP/D+ will ask me again.

The worst example of this is Sun’s VirtualBox. At the moment, the only way I can run VirtualBox without constant D+ alerts is to set D+ to either training mode or disabled. Before anyone asks, no, neither safe or clean modes have any effect. According to the alerts & the log, VBoxSVC.exe “is trying to gain shutdown priveledges” & “install a global hook”. The fact that I’ve already clicked ok with the remember box ticked doesn’t seem to matter. CFP also doesn’t seem to care that I specifically set the protected Com interfaces option to allow & even added the priveledges option. It actually resets the option to “ask” all on its own! (:AGY)

OS is XP64 SP2, BTW [both as host OS & in the VM], incase that makes any difference. [I’m only running CFP on the host OS though, not in the VM.]

Apart from these annoyances though, CFP works fine most of the time. :slight_smile:

Hello Welcome to the forums, What version of CPF are you using?
Also you might like to try out “CIS; Comodo Internet Security”, It has an updated CPF inside (Mainly bug fixes) and an AV that is in BETA.

Please remember that this is a BETA version

thread title :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE author=Kyle link=topic=27400.msg199959#msg199959 date=1221980314]Also you might like to try out “CIS; Comodo Internet Security”, It has an updated CPF inside (Mainly bug fixes) and an AV that is in BETA.

Please remember that this is a BETA version
Hmm… switch to a beta anti-virus prog, when I’m already using a paid-for AV prog [Kaspersky] that I’m happy with? Think I’ll pass on that 1 & wait until Comodo releases an updated standalone version of the firewall, or someone else provides a solution.

Hello sorry about that, You can download CIS and only install the components you want, D+ and Firewall.

Everything is totally optional!