
Ccleaner dose not clean ice dragons cookies an things like in firefox :confused: how set up ccleaner to clean these things?


I believe the author of CCleaner would need to add support for Ice Dragon.

Hi Elite91,
You can for now add items to CCleaners custom files and folders.
For cookies add the cookies.sqlite file
For history add the places.sqlite file
found at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Comodo\IceDragon\Profiles\default

For cache add the cache folders
found at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Comodo\IceDragon\Profiles\default

Please note: Use caution,
These suggestions are from my personal use only.
The above will permanently remove all of each item added not allowing for exclusions.
The locations are for Vista/Win 7 and will be slightly different in XP.

I have also emailed CCleaner (Piriform support) in early August with a support request for IceDragon to be added.
They have let me know that this is being reviewed.

Ccleaner still doesn’t recognize CID.
Hoping this issue is fixed very soon.

Please be aware this is not something that Comodo can fix.

Thank You.
In one of the topics it was mentioned that someone from Comodo contacted Piriform(Ccleaner) regarding this issue.

That was Captainsticks who is a volunteer forum moderator. He asked if IceDragon support could be added to CCleaner. It is completely up to Piriform if they wish to add support for IceDragon.

Have you considered trying ccenhancer.?
Ive used it and it adds programs that ccleaner can clean. :-TU