CB System Restore Failure

CTM update corrupted my HDD, but had installed CB :slight_smile:
Managed to do a clean install of Vista Home Premium 32 bit. Downloaded CB 2.2.127000.12 installed and set about doing a restore from the backup :slight_smile:

PC kept going into stand-by during the restore, unless I sat there for the TWO HOURS to keep moving the mouse ???

Restore Finished time to re-boot :smiley:

Vista fails to load with an error stating ‘C:\Windows\System32\ntkrnlpa.exe is missing or corrupt’ and to insert Vista Disc to repair (:AGY)

Boot from Vista Disc causes a BSOD stating that there has been Hardware or Software problems (:AGY) (:AGY)

I’ve been a supporter of CIS since it’s release, but CTM & CB seem to need alot more work before being taken out of beta :-\ and I’m now stuck with having to go through the long process of completely re-installing ALL programs, Apps and settings :cry: