Cavse.exe running high processor usage at intial startup


I have CAV running on some old Windows 2000 machine that have to auto login then start an application. From restart, this boot time is quite long and the task manager shows two “casvse.exe” processes taking up all the processor time. This delays the start of the computer and causes the application to fail to start on occasion.

I would have thought that if a file has been checked in the past then it would be skimmed though on subsequent occasions.Is there a way to see what the On access check is doing, the report does not seem to show this.

Many Thanks


Hi cswinney

It is normal to have two casvse.exe processes running in CAV. It is a protective measure.

What other security apps do you have running? If you disable the HIPS in CAV does it still have the same problem?

You should be able to find a troubleshooting log in all users → application data → comodo → comodo antivirus → TroubleShootLog, if it is in the same place as it is in XP. If not you may have to look for it.

How much RAM do you have on this machine? That could be causing a slow start as well. The last resort would be to use a startup manager that can sort the order of startup items.

Let us know


I have the Comodo Firewall Pro also running, but very little else.

The machines have 512 MB of RAM (which is good for WIndows 2000), with peak mem usage toping out at around 280MB.

Will check out the rest a bit later.

Ok, Disabled HIPS but still the CAVSE take a lot of processing at startup.

Looked in the troubleshooting area but not sure what to look for.

A start-up manager might be a solution. The Windows 2000 machines are used soley for legacy Video Conferencing suites. They basically run a this as a is it only function. I have turned off a lot of the unnecessary services and application starts.

The VC software relies on both system services and user applications to run. We require that the machine auto login and start the main VC app. However, Windows causes a race condition in that come services have not started before the user login is made. This can cause the VC app to crash and so CAVSE slowing down the process further is not helping. I have created a basic login script whereby a batch file is run on start-up that simply runs a time delay (sleep.exe), then eventually fires up the main VC app. This is only a fudge however, and does not garatee a clean start, or over delays things from a simple logoff/logon.

I have tried to look for scripts that check to see if a service has started before running an application but have not found anything as yet. A start-up manager might be a good idea, but it will have to be a no cost solution. Know of any freeware start-up managers?

Hi cswinney

Here is a startup manager that Little Mac, one of our moderators recommends. I have not used it myself.

Let us know if it works ok for you.


I believe winpatrol can something similar too

Many thanks. I looked at both of these but they only so what I have managed to achieve via a simple script. They are able to provide a step time delay for user login processes to start.

Ideally, I’m after something a little more clever and I’m trying to see if I can figure out how to delay these process based on whether another process/service has started. This will keep the start-up times to a minimum, especially during simple logoff/logon procedures.

I have been waiting for CAVS 3 to come out, but I now find that I can’t install on WIndows 2000. Maybe this will be changed if ta separate installation is made away from CIS.

Just as a matter of interest, I looked through the troubleshooting log, and the one which seem to be of most use was CAVASM.TXT.

If this is what I think it is then it shown lots of files scanned mainly in the WinNT and WinNT\System32 folders. Scanning seem to start then doesn’t calm down for at least 10 minutes.

Obviously, most of these will be the same each and every time. Not sure if I should (or could) add them to safe list or exclusions. I don’t want to add the whole directory to an exclusion as this is where infected files may reside, but surely previously fingerprinted files should be allowed to pass without rescanning?

I wonder also is there a way to reduce the priority of the CAVSE.EXE process. Maybe this will allow for other process to work more efficiently whislt CAVSE is doing it’s thing.

Hi cswinney

It may be worth a try to put some of your “safe” files in the exclude list. The manage button does not work (has never worked properly) but you can see them from the select button.

Another thought…have you tested CAV with HIPS disable or the security level setting put to “low”? It may make a bit of difference.

I don’t know of any way to reduce the priority of the .exe, but there must be a way to do it.
