CAVS Roadmap

I`m new here…

I want to know where I can found a CAVS Roadmap…

I had downloaded CF today and want to get CAVS, but anti vírus software in beta stage are dangerous…

Comodo Team: Thanks for greatest products!

Never stop!

Hi there.
I can’t speak for Comodo but I’d guess that the full version of CAVS will be here in the next week or two.It appears that the ‘major’ bugs have all been removed now from the Beta so the final stage of tweaking shouldn’t take too long.


I imagine here a great Comodo`s Christmas gift…

CPF 2.4 and CAVS 2.0 (?), both in final versions…

CPF 2.4 yes…
but CAVS 2 not sure if we can do it before January… but we will try :slight_smile:



CAVS 2 will be a Happy New Year`s Comodo gift! (?)

Anyway, 2007 will be the year we will have a premium security solution provided by Comodo!



Please, please, please don’t rush it! All good things take time - surely great things deserve a bit longer.

Ewen :slight_smile:

I agree. All good things take time!
The waiting will be good if the result are greatest antivirus solution provided by Comodo…

well, you can see by looking with each release of the new beta of the CAVS we are fixing many (many) bugs. So soon it will be stable enough :slight_smile:


Sure! :BNC

well, you can see by looking with each release of the new beta of the CAVS we are fixing many (many) bugs. So soon it will be stable enough Smiley


Yes sir, CAVS has been making continual improvments with each release. But hopefully “stable enough” is not all which is being sought in CAVS’s first official and upcoming release. Dependability and reliability are most definitely two desired goals; so too I’d think are operational speed, and how it impacts and affects overall system performance.

The more CAVS is able to accomplish in achieving a reduction in resource usage the more impressive and favourable it becomes. So all reductions in its CPU time (especially those peaks which sometimes can still temporarily choke a system), and all reductions in its RAM usage are most welcome.

In addition to being a - no, “the” - most effective AntiVirus/AntiSpyware program, is it not also desirable that CAVS be light on it’s feet.

Then we’d have a world class fighter of malware ready, able and willing to enter the ring and fight the good fight.


The reduction of the memory usage is already in a good point at least from my tests ;D

As for the CPU peaks they are already fixed at the latest beta :wink: