CAVS 3 Question

That is a new information for me. That means every user can decide if he install CAV 3 HIPS or CFP 3.0 HIPS when the user installed CAV 3 and CFP 3.

But what are the differences between CAV 3.0 HIPS and CFP 3.0 HIPS concretely?


That is a new information for me. That means every user can decide if he install CAV 3 HIPS or CFP 3.0 HIPS when the user installed CAV 3 and CFP 3.

But what are the differences between CAV 3.0 HIPS and CFP 3.0 HIPS concretely?

I don’t think that the user will be able to decide which one they use if they have both on their system, this is of course assuming they are different to begin with.

As far as the differences between the two go, if there are any (the most important part in this current conversation) I have absolutely no idea. As far as I know, no one has even seen the beta versions of CAVS 3 except for developers and probably Melih. I don’t think it would be a prudent idea as to speculate to the exact differences between the two when we’re not even sure there are any.


Hi developers of CAV 3!

We have a question: What are the differences between CAV 3.0 HIPS and CFP 3.0 HIPS?



AFAIK = As Far As I Know :wink:

Hey Andreas,

I probably didn’t explain my self clearly enough earlier.

I believe that when a user starts the CAVS3 installation, it will check for the presence of CFP V3 and, if found, ask if the user wants CAVS3 to use the HIPS from the firewall.

If, on the other hand, CFP V3 is not found on the system that CAVS3 is being installed on, the user would be given the option to install the CAVS HIPS component along with the AV.

Both the two points above are purely conjection on my part, based on postings and reading between the lines on those postings. :wink:

If these points are correct, and my gut tells me I’m not too far off the money, then logically the HIPS in CAVS V3 will have more than a passing resemblance to the HIPS in CFP V3. To me, it would make a great deal of sense to build in design, functional and architectural commonality across the different security applications, to facilitate Comodo’s stated goal of co-operative, layered internet security.

I’d love to hear confirmation from someone in Comodo that our guesses are in the right direction, but understand entirely if Comodo want to keep their cards close to their chest. If not, the collective musings are good brain fodder. :wink:

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile: