CAVS 3 and Win 2K SP4 Rollup 1

Will CAVS 3 support Windows 2000, or will I have “to XP” on each of my PCs?


PS: If CAVS doesn’t support Win 2000, LIE TO ME AND TELL ME THAT IT DOES!

Hey Dave, to be honest I don’t know. It has not been released what CAVS 3 will run on. I suspect, however, that much like the 3rd incarnation of the firewall that it will not. Sorry to disappoint. Like I said before though, no idea.


CAVS 3 will run on any platform ranging from 3.1 all the way up to Vista with no troubles at all. In fact, it will run better on Windows 3.1 and use only 2 mb of RAM.


With all the Win 2000 users running very close in number to the XP users, wouldn’t it be VERY foolish for Comodo to discontinue Win 2K support if Comodo desires recognition areas other than its firewall?

Well, back to hard narcotics and watching reruns of The Dating Game!



I wish Comodo the very best in their future endeavors, but I can neither use nor recommend any product which excludes people.

D.O.W. PhD DSc

“PS: If CAVS doesn’t support Win 2000, LIE TO ME AND TELL ME THAT IT DOES!”

Actually, you’ll also be able to install CAVS into your car windows and it will clear out any bad gasoline.

You’ll also be able to install CAVS into your home windows and it will clear out any carbon monoxide.

“Well, back to hard narcotics”

ahh you rat bass ■■■■. Whatcha got? I sometimes like to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and reminisce over past LSD experiences and day dream of future mescaline and opium experiences.

“I wish Comodo the very best in their future endeavors, but I can neither use nor recommend any product which excludes people.”

Most Win2000 service is greatly diminished isnt it? Im sure they will stop servicing it altogether sometime soon. Time to move on. I used 2000 for a good 6 months or so, I really liked it. It was very good. But XP is also good, you should think about upgrading. No need to go all the way to Vista. XP will be serviced for a good while.

i don’t think so. ;D wanna bet? ;D