CAVS 2.x - How to Uninstall?

Sure that CAVS don’t have the same success with Comodo Firewall Pro.

I’ve tried to uninstall this program at normal and safe mode, but the message is the same message error.

Uninstall CAVS

Cannot Uninstall. You are currently in User Mode.

Please, tell me what is necessary to do .

OBS: I can’t TURN OFF the options at main screen

maybe you should log in using administrator account?

Hi Buggy,

CAVS does not support Installation/Uninstallation/SettingsModification in User mode. Please try with either administrator login or power user login.


Not working… :-\

This is a serious problem, when uses a Beta version…

Have a other way to uninstall it.

FOR OBSERVATION: When i closes the cavasm.exe in task manager, the PC shows a BLUE DEATH SCREEN