CAS & Windows live [Presumed RESOLVED]

Hello. I have a few questions not covered in the CAS User Guide or any where else I have searched for in the forum when initializing CAS in step 2, under “Select your Email App.” First, I use Windows Live mail, which is supposed to be supported, but do not see a selection for it. Actually, selections are all greyed out and it won’t let me select anything. This after entering my Passcode and selecting, “enabled” in Step 1. There’s nothing happening in the “Import Progress” box. In step 3, I don’t know what it means by,“add distribution lists.” What is that? I move on to step 5 and there is nothing there under “Account name.” I can’t go on from there, as nothing has been set up. ???

OK from the top. (Moved and renamed the post - hope this is OK.)

a) CAS works reasonably well with Windows live mail client. It filters mail and imports email accounts OK. The only limitation is that it does not automatically import contacts lists whitelists - but these can be imported by other means.

b) People using windows live mail may want to access or server accounts. If hotmail or access is all you want it for then there’s a problem because CAS currently has a bug that affects authentication to these services and I cannot find a work around.

c) If you want to use CAS to access accounts on other email servers, then we can probably sort the problems you are experiencing out. Sounds like there is a problem with the installation. So you should:

(i) turn OFF spam filtering in the installation routine and skip the import of email account details (you can do all this later).

(ii) Finish the installation, reboot and see if the CAS icon appears.

(iii) If the CAS icon does not appear follow the instructions in this FAQ, here, item 3).

(iv) If it does appear open CAS and go to the email accounts section and choose ‘import’. Your email accounts should now be visible. Import them (all except any hotmail ones). If the accounts are not visible follow (iii) then try again.

v) Then follow the steps here to import contacts from your email client to create whitelists

vi) Read ‘before you install’, and when comfortable your whitelists are complete enable the challenge response policy. Alternatively enable the alternative spam filtering policy until you have built up your whitelists.

Hope this helps


Regarding distribution lists.

This just allows you to block/allow not only individual email addresses, but also lists of email addresses. Each list, which is composed of multiple individual email addresses, becomes a single authentication database entry, and shares allow/block settings.

The facility is not much used now, and can be safely skipped over.
