CAS appears to have problem with cyrilic character set

I’d like to make an observation about some strange behavior concerning some cyrilic typed emails I am receiving in the last days.
I am talking about the fact that some cyrilic emails are listed in quarantined messages window and some of them are not.As a result, those that are not listed, could be not blocked or deleted.
The single workarrond to keep quarantine empty is to disable CAS, let them come to Inbox, delete them manualy and re-enable CAS.
I don’t know exacly what’s different between them, but it happens only for russian spams I’m receiving.Pehaps this is common issue also for some other character sets, but I dont know.
If there is somethig I can do before the new release in order to avoid the above procedure, please let me know.


LE: On a second thought I’m wondering if this lack of presence in quarantined messeges list for some emails, isn’t the normal behaviour, and I am checking too soon that list expecting to see there all the messeges including those that are waiting for sender passworded respons.If this is the situation I supose there is nothing wrong with CAS, and I have assumed an unfortunate relation about the influence of character set, but if not…
Please let me know your opinion…
Thank you.

Well, I guess it is not what I though second time because the not listed emails are not deleted after enough time, and their number increse every hour.
There is for sure something that keep them out of beeing listed in Quarantined messages window and the character set is just one of the posibilities.Pehaps some specific analisys must be done, and if so, please let me know how I can help you on this issue

Anyone?..Eric, Junhua, any ideea about the above?..Why CAS does not put on the quarantined list all the messages it found on the mail server(Squirrel)? It count correctly the number of messages on the server but not all appear on the list and those could be not blocked manually and deleted after that.

Hi Adyb:
Thank you for your chariness.
Actually, Quarantine list only shows pending mails, blokced mails. if user do some operation (such as approve, block or delete one mail) on one mail in quarantine list, the mail will be shown till user switch to other dialogs( such as policy dialog).
Many other mails, such as reply to challenge, or syncoint mail, will not show in quarantine list.
As you said cyrilic e-mails, we made some test, but we could not reproduce what you reported. Would you please help us on that? Just attachment the mail in this post. Thanks!

Hi Junhua,
thank you for your reply…
In order to be more specific on this issue, I shall tell you a little more about how I behave with this program and what are my observations.
My ideea is to enlarge the blocked list with spam addresses that reach my account as much is possible.
Unfortunately I don’t know if pending expired email addresses are automatically added to the blocked list or are just deleted.
First of all, I am checking several times (10-20 times) a day the Quarantine list and I decide what to allow and what to block.
In this list there are not present already blocked email because I have set “Blocked Message Action” to delete them, so, as you said above, in this list I expect to see only the pending emails.
I guess I know at this moment how the program work, but correct me if i’m wrong.
First, I launch an “Send/Receive” from Outlook in order to update CAS Quarantine list with last income emails.After it finish the procedure of updating/sending passcode messages/purging old messages, I open Quarantine list and decide what to allow and what to block, manually, than I close the window, reopen it to check if is empty, and after that I launch another “Send/Receive” from Outlook in order to execute on the email server the decisions I have made in Quarantine window.
So, if I have an empty list in Quarantine window, I expect the have an empty list on the email server…Well, surprise…it is not empty and I can find old by days emails, most of them with cyrilic characters.
I have to mention that the Passcode Authentification is set to 1 Attempt, and the “Hold Message” to 1 week. Here, I have a question about how long the pending period is … it is 1 week as it hold in quarrantine or some other period related with the time between passcode authentification attemps …
In attach is an exported list of this kind of messages that do not appear in Quarantine list, received in Junk mail folder of Outlook, after i have disabled CAS temporary. The .PST file is inside the .rar archive (.pst is not one of the accepted file types for attachments).
One observation i have to made…in email header my address is allways present in “delivered to” field, but many times in “to” field there is another email address on my server (a valid one).
Just one question in the end of this message…wouldn’t be a little more efficient to blacklist the senders IP as well as the email address which is obviousely fake in the most of the cases?I add manually sometime those IPs but I think that an automat procedure could be an improvement.
Hope this is usefull for you and thank you for your support.

Best regards,

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Hi Junhua,
in attach are some new samples of cyrilic “invisible” spams…for study…
Hope hear some news from you about this…

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Hi Adyb:

  Thank you for your samples:)
  I got CAS2.5 pre-release and test with some cyrilic mails, it could show them in it's quaratine data base.
  I will check this issue with CAS2.0 or CAS2.1.

Hi Junhua,
thank you for good news about CAS 2.5…
Fortunatelly I have also good news (for me) because this russian spam atack has ceased about two days ago, after almost a month, as sudden as it starts.
My email server administrator told me that he didn’t make anything about that, so I guess the spamer died …of boredom (:TNG).
But, in order to conclude this issue, I shall send to you the last package of spams, hoping to be useful somehow.

Best regards

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Hi Junhua,
Well, I think I was a little too enthusiast about spamer’s boredom…he is back… (:SAD)…
Anyway, I’ll collect this kind of spams for a while, but I’ll send to you only if you’ll ask for them…

Best regards

Hi Adyb:

     Thank you for your supports! As i know Comodo AntiSpam 2.5 will release soon. I think we could beat the spamers together. :■■■■