Can't update?

Hi all,
Please excuse me if this is in the wrong place, this is my first post.

I can’t seem to update Comodo. Often this problem means a bad internet connection (which is what it says when it tries updating), but I know for a fact I have a pretty good connection.
It’s weird, it starts the update process with a few loading bars and suddenly says “Failed to update the virus signature database. Please check your internet connection and try again later.”
It’s been doing that for awhile now whenever I try to update. I should have done something before but I didn’t think much of it. I’ve tried the usual restart comodo, restart computer, I was thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling Comodo but I thought I’d resort to the web first.

I’m not a computer ■■■■ but I’m not entirely dumb either (just sorta dumb…)

Anybody know what’s going on?

Thanks a lot, please let me know if this is the wrong place.


You mean you can’t update the av definitions or the program (using Check for program updates under Miscellaneous)?

What version are you currently using? Look under Miscellaneous → About.

I can’t update the virus signature database. I’m using product version 3.8.65951.477 and Virus Signature Database version 1157. I think I might try uninstalling and reinstalling.



That 3.8.*** is far to old to update.

You should download 3.14., un-install 3.8., and instal 3.14.***


Ok. The reason I’m trying is that it’s been telling me to update. It’s probably just automatically telling me that 'cause I hadn’t updated in awhile.

Anyways, thanks much for the help.


You will have to do a clean install of the latest version of CIS and you cannot export/import your old configuration from the old to the new due to changes under the hood.

The new version 4 just went live: COMODO Internet Security 4.0.135239.742 Released.